Part 5

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Has been a decade now since my identity was revealed. Since then my life took a turn for the better. In that time me and Legolas have beome great friends and King Thrandial made me Captain of the guard. Although I haven't spoken to Arwen in a while, but I have made another very close friend here. Rivana healed me when Legolas mistook me for a rouge and ever since then we have been friends.

I have just woken up and got ready as i have my daily patrol at sunrise. After I was dressed, I grabbed my bow, quiver and the twin swords then made my way to the bridge.

I got there just in time as Aradon the guard before me was just walking inside. As soon as he saw me he smiled.

"Captain" he said nodding his head.

"Aradon how many times must I tell you?" He stood there smirking as he always calls me by my offical title to annoy me.

"Fine! Tauriel." He said bowing his head.

"Aradon" i returned the gesture.

"Just made it to changeover" he said with a laugh.

"Just yes." I replied also giving a little laugh.

"Are you going to the celebration tonight?"

He wasn't the only person to ask me. Everybody who passes me asks even though they know I probably will not.

"I"m afraid not mellon. I have other things I must tend to."

I never go to the celebrations or feasts and I did have something to do. Ever since I had that dream and Filyana told me I had to discover my gift and that is what I have been doing. Also I am patrolling the boarders or training.

I have searched through almost the whole palace libary in search for books with elleth's like me. Unfortunatley I have only found one that relates to my situation. There are many gifts that elleth's like me can have, but only four stood out to me.

Controll over fire

Controll over water

Controll over the air

Controll over the earth

The four elements.


I don't know why I never realised before, but it is all so clear now.

Then I started remembering a time in my past that I never remembered before.

"Tauriel trust me, i can prove that you have the gift. Follow me."  Filyana insisted. I gave in and followed her through the forest to a small clearing.

The ground was still damp from the rain from the previous night. In the centre of the clearing there was a pile of rocks which had collected some water.

Filyana walked gracefully over to the pile and picked up two of the smaller rocks.

"Find some fire wood. Quickly." She ordered. I didn't hesitate and did exactly as she told. I quickly found enough fire wood for a small fire and placed it where Filyana was stood. She bent down and started the fire. Instantly small flames started to rise from the wood.

"Now, I want you to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"  She said sternley while looking at me. I could see both worry and excitment in her eyes which confused me.

"Yes, I do."  I replied still looking into her eyes.

"Good. Now, I want you to focus on the flames. Imagine them rising up into the air." I did exactly what she had said.

I turned to the flames and closed my eyes. In my head I imagined the flames rising up into the air swirling and dancing around like they were a living being. I suddenly felt a surge of power rush into me. I heard a gasp and still focusing on the flames opened my eyes.

I to let out a gasp of shock as right before me, was the exact same image I had just imagined. The flames of the fire where moving about in the air.

"How-" i was interupted by Filyana.

"Raise your hand and then slowly bring it down" she said still in a state of disbelief just like myself.

I raised my hand and the flames followed it. I slowly brought my hand down and the flames obeyed, finally reaching the pile of wood again.

I looked towards a small puddle of water that had collect on a rock. What I did next felt like the right thing to do. I focused on the water and raised my hand, once again the water followed. I swept my hand a distance above the blazjng flames of the fire imagining the fire being put out. Following my hands conmands that water obeyed putting the flames out.

I was speechless. I just stood there totally confused. Thousands of questions were running through my head.

How in valour did I do that? What am I? What will nana (mother) say? What if someone saw? Can the whole eleven race do this? Well as far as I am aware, that answer to the last question was certainly a no.

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