Given that Aiyora never really looked for him made it a lot easier for the older pureblood.

"Kaname-kun...?" the chairman's worried tone pulled the pureblood out of his thoughts. He looked at the man who was currently cleaning the lenses of his glass.

"You seem a little absent-minded recently. I hope everything is alright at your end?"

"Everything is fine." He responded swirling the drink in his glass, his focus completely zoomed in the faux blood inside the glass.

The headmaster observed him for a moment before speaking up. "In that case what brought you here tonight? Not that I enjoy your company... but I was under the impression that the matter regarding Miss Kisaragi is already taken care off."

Kaname contemplated on what to say. By now he was running short of topics. Two night ago they discussed on the progress of the updated version of the tablets that the night class was working on. Before that they were discussing about how the council was trying to meddle in night class. The night prior they discussed the rate of increased corruption at the hunter's association. And the night before that they were simply reminiscing on the life of Juuri and Haruka.

What about tonight? What could be their topic for tonight?

"Oh by the way... how is that other child doing?" before Kaname could actually decide Cross Kaien kind of gave him the topic for tonight.

"Actually about that... we need to speak."

The former hunter took off his glasses and placed them on the table before crossing his arms over the chest signaling the pureblood he was ready to listen.

"I have brought her along with me. She now resides in the moon-dormitory..." Kaname broke the news. "...Her safety was jeopardized at the Shiki residence. I apologize in advance for failing to send prior notice on the matter earlier. But everything happened so quickly that before I could get grip on the situation a lot happened by then."

The pureblood carefully watched for former hunter's reaction.

According to their contract Cross Kaien as the headmaster is not allowed to meddle in the affairs regarding the vampires in the night class. That territory solely belonged to Kuran Kaname, the one in charge of the night class. However despite having full authority of the night class and the moon-dorm Kuran Kaname should still inform the headmaster of any new entry and exit into the premises of this academy. The former hunter may not be the one in charge of the vampires, but he was still the headmaster of this whole academy. That was the mutual understanding between the two. Until the head of the vampire broke his part of the contract and brought Kuran Aiyora in without prior notification. Even though the circumstances under which the younger pureblood was brought in, was arguable in humanitarian ground but it's been over a month that she has been here. And Kaname did not disclose this information until now!

"All these time she was staying there, at the Shiki house?" Cross Kaien appeared slightly shocked by that information.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" Kaname asked, bewildered by the others shock. Actually it worked in his favor. The fact that Kaname breeched his side of the contract did not cross the chairman's mind. Instead it was focused on something else.

"Isn't the lady of the house, Shiki-kun's mother, her father's former mistress? ...Wait so that makes the two of them half siblings."

Kaname nodded her head in response. Finally, he has his topic for the night – gossiping about his uncle's salacious life.


'It's all that woman's faul-'

A part of Kaname was adamant on blaming lady Shiki. As holding her responsible for his current condition seemed the easiest way for him to evade the problem. But that was his irrational mind. His sensible self on the other hand knew all too well that it was just plain excuse. His head was playing the old school game. Of course Shiki Midori isn't responsible for the current mess inside his mind. The conclusion was simple, end of the day that woman was nothing more than a pawn who just played her part in the game and did exactly what he wanted her to do.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now