"So what brings you out of your big blue box, my love?"

"I missed you," the Doctor grumbles. "Clearly the reverse wasn't true."

"Oh, clearly." River rolls her eyes. "Sweetie, just because I didn't have your clothes off the first second I saw you doesn't mean I didn't miss you."

"That's how it usually goes," the Doctor says.

"I should have taken you right there among the artifacts?" River asks, sounding amused. "Or else what, I've lost that loving feeling, so to speak?"

"It sounds silly when you put it like that," the Doctor mumbles.

"Of course it does," River says, standing up and slinking over to the cot in a delightfully predatory way that makes the Doctor tingle all over. "It is silly. But it's also very sweet. And for that, I'll gladly have your clothes off, which I was planning on anyway. Ridiculous that you could imagine otherwise. Oh, sweetie, I missed you." The Doctor swallows and sets her glass down on a folding table.

River has her pressed into the mattress almost before the Doctor can blink, and she's undoing the buttons of the Doctor's shirt with busy fingers as she kisses the Doctor until they're both breathless with need.

"Don't worry, my love," River breathes, "I missed you every single bit as much as you missed me."

They strip each other's clothes off as fast as they can. The Doctor presses kisses to River's salty skin. River's hands roam all over the Doctor's body; even after all these months, the way this body responds amazes the Doctor. Her nipples tighten and her breasts tingle and she gets wet under River's fingers. Every bit of her feels heavy, weighted down with wanting. She strokes River's skin, relishing the silky heat of her wife's body against hers.

For a long while they just touch each other; there are plenty of caresses to share to make up for lost time. Hips and breasts and thighs and back and ass and the magnificent mane of River's hair - the Doctor's dazzled by all the options. She can't touch River enough. She soaks in the presence of her wife as if River's absence were a drought and her proximity the rain that makes the Doctor burst into blossom. She really isn't very good at metaphors, but she is good at loving her wife. River's fingers slide between the Doctor's thighs, teasing her, River's fingertips ghosting over the Doctor's clit before sliding in between the Doctor's folds, making her gasp. River explores her in a leisurely fashion, as if they have all the time in the world. The Doctor kisses her hungrily, her wrist jostling against River's as she mirror's River's movements, circling River's clit with her fingers. Both their skins are slick with sweat now. River's moaning and the Doctor wants nothing more than to hear her moan forever.

"I've got a surprise for you," River says, rolling off the Doctor and digging in a drawer. She comes up with a collection of straps and a toy that makes the Doctor's inner muscles clutch in delicious anticipation.

"What is it?" the Doctor asks.

"A surprise," River drawls. "Patience is a virtue, Doctor." She pushes the toy through a ring in the middle of the straps and carefully, sensually wraps them around her left hand, doing up the snaps until the Doctor can see that it's a harness. The toy sits in River's palm, secured by the ring, and the straps leave River's fingers free. River waggles her fingers and raises her eyebrows and the Doctor shivers happily. They've done harnesses before, but never a hand harness yet. She bites her lip as River liberally slicks the toy with lube. This is going to be good.

"On your knees," River orders, and the Doctor scrambles onto all fours. River kneels behind her, stroking the small of the Doctor's back and teasing the Doctor's folds apart with the head of the toy. She eases the toy into the Doctor, who squirms a little as she adjusts. The Doctor likes this one already, the way River can move around and press her body up against the side of the Doctor's and still have the situation well in hand. River's fingers tease the Doctor's clit as she fucks the Doctor slowly. Her other hand cups one of the Doctor's breasts.

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