She grabs his hand without hesitation.



Amy shushes Rory from her hiding place behind the sofa, something along the lines of, Oi! Shut up, stupid face! but he can't really tell; the Doctor's in his other ear, jabbering on about blueberry-sunflower cheesecake - cheesecake? - and then the door opens and the three of them jump out - well, Amy and the Doctor jump out, and Rory sits stunned for a moment before joining in - and River stands in the doorway like a frightened rabbit.


The stereo starts playing a 20th century version of Happy Birthday and the Doctor flicks a switch on the sonic, and River is instantly doused with multi-colour confetti. 

It takes her a moment to get her bearings, suddenly accosted by a firm shoulder bump from her mother and, from the Doctor, a very loud horn blown directly in her ear. 

"What's all this?" she asks finally, brushing what appears to be silly string off her shoulder.  She pulls a chunk of it from her hair and glares briefly at the Doctor, a look that very clearly intones, You are so going to pay for this later in ways you will not enjoy.  But he just grins and blows the horn again and then jumps, whirls into the kitchen and comes back seconds later with four hideous paper hats.  He affixes them to Rory and Amy first, then himself, then plops the shiniest one on River's head and secures the elastic under her chin with a snap. 

"Happy birthday!"

He tries to use the horn again, but River snatches it just in time, and before he can grab it back, stuffs it down the front of her blouse.  (With a nervous glance at Rory, the Doctor decides not to risk its retrieval just then.) 

"You did all this?" she asks, addressing the three of them.  Amy and Rory's living room is covered in decorations, mostly strung haphazardly from the ceiling light and windowsills; there's a small pile of presents on the table, and the smell of apple cider wafting in from the kitchen.

Rory shrugs, "It was mostly him, to be honest," he says, pointing (mildly accusingly) at the Doctor, who is busy extricating himself from a weave of ribbon.  "There's even a giant bowl of custard on the dining table with your name on it.  Literally."

Amy leans in conspiratorially and winks.  "Don't worry, we've got the good stuff in the back."

"Ah ha!" he cries, having freed himself - and his hat - from the mess.  "So! What do you think?"

River smiles and kisses his cheek, causing him to blush.  "I think it's wonderful.  Thank you, all of you."

Amy and Rory nod and the Doctor grins and Rory says something about cake just before Amy drags him away.  As soon as they're out of sight, the Doctor turns on her with a narrowed gaze.

"Okay.  How did you know?"

River blinks at him innocently.  "Know what?"

"About the party.  Did Rory tell you?  Is future you spying on me again, because really, River, that's only funny once and then it just gets confusing and--"

"I didn't know, sweetie."

Stepping into her personal space, he studies her face.  "You're lying."



She sighs.  "Fine."

"Ah!" He wags a finger at her.  "I knew you weren't surprised! If you'd been surprised, you probably would have shot something." He gestures over his shoulder toward the kitchen.  "Not that we should tell them that."

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