The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.17

Start from the beginning

"Sarcasm is a substitute for idiocy," Anna said all knowingly.

"Then answer my question!" I demanded.

"Only you can do that."


"When you're ready."

"Not very helpful are we?"

"What have I said about sarcasm," Anna warned. I nodded. Right.

"You're making this terribly cliché," I informed her with a big sigh. Anna chuckled lightly.

"I know."

"So who are you really?"

"I told you I'm Anna."

"Yes you only told me your name," I stated obviously and she grinned at me.

"Smart aren't we?"

"I try, now don't change the subject," I warned.

"Well to put it simply...," Anna started and then trailed off. She smirked at me and moved closer.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, a knot forming in my lower abdomen.

A coy smile tugged the edge of her lips.

"This," she whispered in the same seductive voice as before and put her hands on my chest.

     Suddenly I lost balance and was plunged into the celestial blue water. I gasped for air looking for Anna. Something started pulling me downwards, it felt like a whirlpool. Anna was standing in the pillar looking down at me with a smile.

"You bought me enough time so thanks. We'll meet each other in the future. You're not ready for the answers. I'm sorry but that much is true," she shouted but it seemed barely a whisper to me. I was going to drown. That was it. The end. The celestial blue water turned into the tar-like liquid again. My skin began cooling and all traces of the earlier fire evaporated.

    Someone was touching my arms and shaking me in the process. My eyes fluttered open to be greeted with Justin's concerned face. His brow was furrowed as he stared at me with concern.

"She's awake," he yelled over his shoulder, just to be shoved out of the way by Leah. She looked awfully frantic while she examined my hands and body. I was deeply touched by her concern but felt she was being too paranoid.

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asked turning my face from side to side.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I nodded and winced at the thumping in my head,

"Though I have a killer headache."

Leah's eyes flew wide and she touched my head and hair. My mom moved her out of the way and helped me up. She glared at Leah.

"Don't smother her Leah," my mom hissed between her teeth.

"I was just making sure she was ok," Leah bit back, her voice having a high pitched hysterical scream to it. Then seeming to realise what she was doing, she shrunk back and composed herself.

"It's not a crime being worried about your granddaughter and besides its mom not Leah to you," she replied in a perfectly controlled voice.

"Yes of course...Leah," my mom emphasized on Leah's name. I saw my grandmother clench her teeth and disappear into the forest.

"You shouldn't agitate her," I told her softly, my throat feeling raw.

"I know," she sighed and brought her attention to me. I also noticed Violet, Rebecca, Darcy, David and Tom were coming towards us.

"Shane said he was sorry he couldn't come. Office called," my mom smiled apologetically.

"It's fine," I sighed, missing my dad. Violet lunged at me, embracing me in a bone crushing hug.

"What happened?" she asked her eyes wide with worry.

"Josh happened," I groaned, using her hand to steady myself up.

"What are you talking about?" David said from beside me.

"We were having out picnic and a great time. Then I started running down the hill and Josh started chasing me. Before I knew it his eyes changed. And he said he wasn't called Josh but Styrr," I explained feeling my limbs ache.

"Josh is over there," Tom called out ushering us towards the woods. When we reached the sycamore trees I saw Josh's cold body splayed on the ground. I choked back a sob as I feared he was dead. David bent down and touched his neck lightly, electrocuting his body.

"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly as he continued zapping Josh's body. David didn't answer but kept zapping him while his brow creased. Suddenly he stopped and slapped his face. I bit back a whimper, as I saw the desperate look in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, bending down beside him, just holding his hand lightly. He turned around, his eyes glazed with unshed tears. I welcomed him into my embrace and he hugged me back.

"Is he dead?" Rebecca asked the dreaded question all of us wished to voice. David nodded, clutching my numb body tighter.

   The ride back to the town was a slow one. No one dared utter anything, but bowed their head in silent prayer. I didn't notice the vivid evergreen trees that blurred by, not the sky which darkened to an ominous pitch black. I did notice however that David's head was buried deep into the crook of my neck. And for the first time in a long time I felt guilty for my actions, for plotting to break someone's heart, which I had no doubt in my mind had it broken countless times. For the first time I let silent tears cascade down my cheeks, as I nestled my face in the crook of David's neck. He was a creature capable of tenderness. From there on, I had no doubt in my choice.  

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