He let out a loud sob, and crumpled to the ground, his legs giving out on him as he broke down, his tear drops making wet spots on the gray floor beneath him. He didn't notice that the other Russia had climbed back over the wall, and slowly approached him.

Other Russia gently laid his hand on his shoulder, a small smile on his face. Russia looked up, an expression of total raw emotion on his face, staring back at his own ice blue eyes of imaginary him.

"You're....y-you're not real..." He choked out, tears still flowing uncontrollably down his cheeks. He could not believe it, what he just screamed. This wasn't possible, how could he tell himself, not to jump? He looked away quickly, shutting his eyes tightly, not wanting to look at that pitiful expression on his own face, imaginary or not.

Other Russia sighed softly, and fished out a tissue from his pocket, giving it to the crying him. Russia stared at it, that white piece of soft paper fluttering in his hand. The hand on his shoulder slowly lifted away, and he looked up again to see the other him smiling down at him.

"I guess today is just not my day." He said quietly, placed the tissue in the real Russia's hands, stood up, and walked away.

Russia looked at the tissue, and found he was all alone again.

He woke up with a start, sitting up abruptly in his bed. Touching his face with his fingers, they came away wet. He panted heavily, looking around frantically, the nightmare vivid in his mind. His bedroom was dark, it was probably midnight.

His blanket was clutched in his hand, as he tried to get his panicked breathing in check. The tears didn't stop. Not for what felt like hours and hours, until he finished passed out from exhaustion.

(🐬 time skip🐬)

There was no one there the next day.

Maybe because it was in the middle of the school day, and all his other classmates were still in school. But either way, Russia was finally alone.

This was it, it was time. His emotions had finally broke and got the better of him. There was no more hope. Russia walked to the edge of the roof, his eyes dull. The drop called out to him, and he didn't have the strength to resist it anymore.

Pushing himself up the wall protecting the edge of the roof with his arms, he swung his legs over, finding the small notch on the other side. The wind hit him strongly on the face, and he took a deep breath. Might as well appreciate his last breaths.

His arms still gripped on to the opposite side, the only thing keeping him tipping forward with gravity and falling. Russia looked up at his view, it felt a little weird without the wall blocking the bottom of it now.

No, he refused to cry in his last moments. It was the last bit of himself he could have. Nothing could stop him now, it's just him, and the wind. Russia swallowed, shifting his fingers that held onto the wall a little, trying to flex them so they wouldn't stiffen up.

His hair was thrown around by the wind, he left his ushanka on his desk in school. Well, now no one would remember him. The cleaners would probably just pick it up and toss it into the lost and found, then in the end of the year, donate it to charity or something.

Enough was enough. Russia inhaled, feeling his eyes water. No. Flexing his fingers one last time, he closed his eyes, and slowly, let go.


Germany ran over, as fast as he could and clamped his hand over his arm, holding on tightly. Tears were gathering in his eyes as he held on, watching Russia turn his head around, staring at him with shock and hurt written plainly for all the world to see.

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