Chapter 36 Pt. 3: You Should've Warned Me

Start from the beginning

"Kaylee! Stop!" Liam yelled, though, she wasn't listening.

I was her target. The top of her hit-list. The one she wanted buried six-feet underground.

Kaylee tried going at me again, but only missed a second-time. 

By the fifth time rolled around, Liam had stepped in between us - blocking her view of me. His hands were held out in a 'Stop' motion. "Kaylee! That's enough!"

If I wasn't scared the first time Liam shouted, I was terrified now. This wasn't the Liam I knew. No. This was a part of him I hope I'd never see, again. A murderous glare was etched on his normal childish features, and the tone of his voice bled with lethal venom like a rattle snake's bite.

"Seriously, Liam? You're telling me when enough is enough, when you don't even know it yourself?!" Kaylee let out a sarcastic laugh. "When are you going to tell her? Huh?" She glanced over at me with an over-dramatic sympathetic smile. "Has he told you?"

"Told me what?" I looked between Liam and Kaylee, my gaze always lasting longer on him.

Kaylee let out another unpleasant chuckle, turning her stare over at Liam. "Wow! You're such a freaking jerk!" Her voice leaked with bubbly cheerleader-ness. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I think Keith is waiting for a dance. I'll leave Liam to explain. . .everything." With one last fake smile, she sashayed her way over to the gym doors, where she exited. Kaylee tugged on the door's handle, though, it wouldn't budge. I had to stifle a laugh while watching her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a satisfied smirk cross Liam's lips. He, then, leaned in closer to my ear. "I don't think she knows that you can't open those doors from the outside," he whispered, making a meager smile to appear on my face.

I nodded in agreement, not able to expression the emotions I was going through, in words. Everything was happening so fast, I didn't know what to make of any of it. 'What was Liam hiding from me? Was it something that I already know? What would cause him to lose his calm demeanor?'

Kaylee's low grumble of annoyance snapped me out of my thoughts. She stomped a foot in anger and began making her way over to the school's front doors, which was on the other side of the building. 

Once she had disappeared around the corner, I turned to look at Liam. "Liam? What did she mean by you not telling me something?"

He adverted his gaze away from mine. "I'm sorry, Ava," Liam apologized in a hushed voice, barely audible for me to hear.

My heart was hammering against my chest, a million beats per minute. I was so sure that I was going to faint any minute, now; but with the adrenaline pumping through my veins, it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. "What are you sorry for, Liam?" His attention was focused toward the ground, causing me to cup his face between my hands and tilt it up - his blue-grey orbs meeting mine. "Was she referring to her plan. . . of you dating her?"

Liam's eyes grew wide. "Who told you about that?"

"Caden told me, at the hospital. It was right after you left." I watched as he ran a hand through his hair, for the millionth time, today.

Then, out of the blue, a smack resounded through the air. Liam face palmed his head, rubbing the area where he hit, afterwards. "Well, that hurt more than I expected," he stated, awkwardly, before letting out a sigh. "I should've noticed how you hadn't knocked me out the time I started talking to you, again, at school. Everything seemed too good to be true. You weren't mad at me - at all - about what Kaylee had made me do to you." He shook his head. "I'm such and idiot."

"Hey! No, you're not." I brought his face closer to mine. "You had to do, what you had to do. Everyone has flaws and things they're unaware about."

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