aɪɪ | sixteen

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  Kiara got readjusted back in Korea in two weeks' time and hated not working but she knew it was better to stay off her feet so she could heal properly

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  Kiara got readjusted back in Korea in two weeks' time and hated not working but she knew it was better to stay off her feet so she could heal properly. She was staying with her mother and Casey since she ended her lease with her apartment and it was... awkward. Kiara's mother would sometimes stare at Kiara longfully in hopes of a conversation starting. Of course, Kiara's stubborn ways prevented any of that from happening.

Any chance that Kiara had to be with Jungkook, she took it.

"So... your birthday is coming up."

Jungkook smiled at the mention of his birthday and placed his hand on Kiara's knee. They were currently sitting on his couch on a Thursday night with lots of ramen and kimchi. "Yeah, I was thinking about us going back to Japan. We had a lot of fun there." Kiara smirked at him before she giggled, "You're so nasty."

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow, "How do you know I'm not talking about us going out to see the sakura trees?" Kiara rolled her eyes playfully, "Because I know you and you never fail to remind me about the go kart racing night."

Jungkook's hands moved to Kiara's hips as he grinned, "Top ten experiences of my life." Kiara flicked his forehead and sighed, "I was drunk that night."

"You hardly drink," Jungkook narrowed his eyes at her, "what were you drunk off of? Me."

"Yes, it boy," Kiara chuckled then got off his lap, "I'm bored. Let's do something."

Jungkook said with a smile as he leaned back on the couch, "We haven't had sex in awhile."

Kiara placed her hands on her hips, "Literally two days ago we had to sneak around and do it because Misun was home and because you were painfully horny."

"Okay, but you were wearing red shorts!" Jungkook quickly said to defend himself. "With that damn white tank top that I love so much." Which wasn't a lie because every time Kiara wore her busty white tank top, somehow, she ended up in some type of sexual activity with him. "Plus it's not as fun to sneak around when Misun is loudly reenacting the Shrek movie."

"Well, she's not here now," Kiara smirked as she straddled Jungkook's lap and mouthed down his neck, "impress me."

Jungkook smirked right before he took action and well, he didn't disappoint. Kiara felt dirty after he took her on the living room's couch, face down on the kitchen counter, the bed, the bedroom's wall, the bathroom's wall, and the shower's wall. Injury or not (even if he was extremely cautious and caused her no harm.)

Kiara didn't know how Kim Taehyung got her number but she wasn't mad at it. They were brainstorming a lot of ideas for Jungkook and things were going smoothly. Kiara was able to pull some strings behind Jungkook's back so that Namjoon was able to let him off for at least three days. Kiara had a lot of things up her sleeve for Jungkook's birthday.

Kiara was babysitting Misun a week before Jungkook's birthday which she didn't mind obviously. It was on Friday when Taehyung and Ann came over while Jungkook was in a meeting for the grand surprise.

"You got the party hats, right?"

Taehyung nodded at Kiara, "Yes, of course. How can I ever forget the party hats?"

Misun was on Ann's back and talking Ann's ears off but Ann surprisingly seemed interested. It took Ann sometime to adjust to Misun since she wasn't too keen on children. Now the two were inseparable every time Ann came around. Maybe it was because Ann was a baker that always brought her baked goods and Misun loved sweets.

There was a key lime cake that Ann baked on the dining table which happened to be Jungkook's favorite. Once everyone had their birthday hats on, they sat down on the couch like everything was normal. Kiara sat on the one seater with Misun on her lap while Taehyung and Ann took the three seater couch.

Thirty minutes later was when they all heard the keys jingle in the middle of watching Home Alone. Kiara quickly turned the TV off and sat up straight. All lights were off and it was pretty silent. A bit too silent for Jungkook's liking. "Honies, I'm home!" Kiara bit back at the usual greeting that Jungkook would yell out when he would return to Kiara and Misun. Jungkook got silence returned back to him and it wasn't until he turned the lights on to his living room that everyone screamed out, SURPRISE!

Jungkook took two steps back in shock with hid hand clutching his chest with a huge smile on his face, "No way." Misun ran to Jungkook first and he as ready to scoop her into his arms. She held onto her father really tight. Jungkook held onto her just as tight as she was clinging onto him. Kiara smiled at the sight and even took her phone out to snap a few pictures. Kiara walked up to Jungkook next and placed a hand on his bicep.

"Happy early birthday," Kiara greeted him fondly as she went to kiss his cheek, "don't be shy in your own home, babe." Jungkook chuckled and walked more into his home and when he saw Taehyung and Ann, he laughed heartily.

"What're you guys doing here?!"

"Why wouldn't we be here?" Ann questioned with an amused facial expression. "Look on the table." Jungkook looked at the extremely appetizing key lime cake on the table and the green and reed medium-sized gift box near the cake. Misun was still in his arms so he didn't make too much movement. Jungkook decided that he wanted everyone to eat the cake first.

Although the cake was mainly a treat for Jungkook, Misun was able to finesse some of Jungkook's cake into her stomach. Jungkook didn't mind as long as Misun was happy and clinging onto him. Once everyone finished the cake and the bibimbap that Taehyung made and brought over, Jungkook was opening the box. Jungkook pulled out a card that was made with construction paper from Misun with cute drawings.

"That's from me!" Misun exclaimed while Jungkook was opening up the card. "I did it all by myself!" Jungkook smiled and looked at her with an ocean full of emotions, "I see that, my love. You did so well. Papa loves it."

"Never lose it!"

Jungkook nodded and held out his pinky to pinky promise his daughter, "I promise I won't lose it, Mi." Jungkook always kept every single thing Misun made for him and some things she made for herself on holidays from school.

Taehyung urged for Jungkook to pose with the card and Misun so he could take a picture. Kiara joined in as well with taking the pictures and she already knew the one with Misun holding her father's cheeks was gonna be her profile picture. Once Kiara and Taehyung stopped taking pictures, they gestured for him to look more into the box.

When Jungkook pulled out the tickets to Tokyo, his jaw dropped. Kiara smiled as he quickly grabbed her hand and raised it to his mouth to kiss the knuckles, "You've been acting strange and now I know why."

Kiara managed to speak through all her adoration, "Taehyung helped too. We planned this." Jungkook grinned at Taehyung, "I should've noticed because you were acting weird, too."

"Alright weird sensor," Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes, "we're spending a weekend in Tokyo so heads up."

"Really?" Jungkook turned to Kiara this time and when Kiara gave him that bright smile that could blind anyone's vision, he felt happy at that moment.

It was going to be his best birthday ever.

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