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 It took Jungkook a few days to break the news to Misun while they were at the dinner table eating dinner

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It took Jungkook a few days to break the news to Misun while they were at the dinner table eating dinner.

"Kiara is moving away to a different country. She's going to be a ballet dancer, baby."

Misun looked torn between pleased and agonized as tears were forming in her eyes. "Moving away?"

"Yes, Misun. She won't be living near us."

"So I won't be able to see her?"

"I." Jungkook paused, as he wished there was a better way to deliver the blow but he knew that he couldn't sugarcoat the truth. He couldn't lessen the ache that came hand-in-hand with the news of Kiara leaving. "No, Mi. She'll be living too far away to visit her."

Misun was quiet, only sniffles were heard as she looked down momentarily. When Misun looked up she was crying quietly as she asked, "She didn't say goodbye to me?"

"No, no, no." Jungkook stood up from where he was sitting, walking over to her side. The sight of Misun crying is always hard for him to see. Jungkook picked up Misun as he held her as tight as possible as she started to sob from the comfort. "She'll say goodbye, I promise. You'll get to see her once before she goes. I just need you to know, so you're prepared. Okay?"

Misun sniffled, hiding her face in Jungkook's neck. "I don't want her to go," she wailed, hitting Jungkook's chest hard. "Make her stop!"

"Misun, stop—"

"Please, papa. I love her. She's my second mommy."

  Second mommy. It burned right down to Jungkook's core, his lungs were on fire from the ache his chest was giving him. Jungkook held onto Misun and he couldn't help it, couldn't stop his own tears. Misun had started to perceive Kiara as a second maternal figure and that was painful, a newfound bitterness growing for Kiara.

"I'm sorry, Misun."

  There was nothing else Jungkook could say that'd provide sufficient solace. Misun was experiencing agony and Jungkook could only hold her and share the pain with her through his own crying. Jungkook tucked her into bed that night but she clung onto him as she was continuing to snivel. Eventually, she tired herself, falling asleep and Jungkook didn't have the heart to remove himself from her bed.

   The next time that Jungkook saw Kiara was with Misun, he decided to go over to her apartment. It was time to say goodbye and it was worse and more emotionally draining than Jungkook anticipated.

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