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  Jungkook wasn't in the room when Kiara woke up and she was panicking

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Jungkook wasn't in the room when Kiara woke up and she was panicking. She had to go back to Paris later that day on a flight and she wanted to say goodbye. Kiara wished she had time to lament about that and to cry but she didn't. Kiara had to take her shower, brush her teeth, get her stuff together, and to make up the bed. The side Jungkook was sleeping on was already cleaned up and his stuff was gone. Even the key to the bungalow was still there on the coffee table.

Kiara ignored the dull feeling in her heart as she left and locked the bungalow. When Kiara went to the front desk, she saw Hoseok there with Eunha, looking happy. "Kiara, good morning!"

"Goodmorning Hoseok and Eunha!"

"How'd you sleep?" Eunha asked and Kiara paused at the question, was it obvious she got laid?

"I slept well," Kiara lied a bit before asking, "have any of you seen Jungkook by chance?" Hoseok raised his eyebrow before answering, "He left, I thought he had told you." Kiara shook her head with a bit of a frown, "He didn't tell me anything. I'm gonna call him."

Kiara stepped outside and pulled her phone out of her purse and dialed Jungkook's number. Kiara must've called five times in a row and it didn't ring once, just went straight to voicemail. So she went to iMessage to shoot him a text.

Why'd you left so suddenly?
I wanted to say goodbye to you...

Kiara frowned as she dialed his number again and it went straight to voicemail... again. Kiara stormed her way back inside to the front desk to return the key to the bungalow. "Is everything alright?"

Kiara nodded at Hoseok's question, "Could you do me a favor though?" When Hoseok said yes, Kiara asked him to call Jungkook. Hoseok was a bit confused at the favor but dialed Jungkook's number and Kiara's heart sunk when Jungkook had answered.

Jungkook had blocked her number...

"Hey Jungkook, how are you?"

"I'm doing good, hyung," Jungkook said enthusiastically, "I'm going to pick up Misun from her mother's house."

"Oh well, I was just calling to check up on you," Hoseok said as he looked at Kiara, "thanks for coming and performing at the wedding. I appreciate that."

"My pleasure, hyung," Jungkook said with a bit of joy in his voice, "well I gotta go. Talk to you later."


Kiara felt like she'd been played.

Although Kiara knew she was blocked by Jungkook she still tried to call and text him as if he was going to magically respond. Insanity.

They did say insanity was doing all the same things over and over again and anticipating a different ending. Kiara threw her phone down on the bed that was in her apartment that she was living in for Paris. Kiara was going to have another meltdown over this. She refused to believe that Jungkook fucked her, left, then blocked her number. It just screamed disrespect and as if she was a one night stand.

Kiara never thought of herself in that way, it took a toll on her confidence. Was the sex bad? Was she annoying him? Did he not love her anymore? She didn't know Jungkook's answers to those questions and it drove her mad.

Good thing that the doorbell to her place was ringing so she didn't continue her self deprecating thoughts. Kiara opened the door to see Chloe, the French girl that she had been dancing with. Chloe was somewhat of a friend to Kiara, just a person to help her adjust to Paris. "You're not dressed!"

"Dressed for?"

Chloe gave Kiara a pout, "You forgot?! We were supposed to go out for brunch then go to the Eiffel." Kiara wanted to raincheck but she'd feel bad. Chloe came all the way to her for them to hang out so Kiara sucked it up and smiled forcefully, "Okay, give me a minute."

Hanging out with Chloe wasn't the best thing in the world because she'd always scream out random French words when she's angry or she'd be a *little* too loud for Kiara's taste. However, when Kiara had an anxiety attack backstage for her first show, Chloe was the first and only one to comfort her. Chloe had a heart of gold and Kiara was grateful because she'd never had someone who was like that for her during her childhood years. Hanging out with Chloe was like redemption from her adolescent years.

"Want me to take your picture?"

Kiara nodded as she went to pose by the tower, pointing up to it with a wide smile, "Gorgeous!" Chloe chanted out as she took the picture. "Ready for brunch?"

"Yeah," Kiara thought Chloe would never ask. Brunch was at one of the little cafés that Kiara always went to since it was a little more than five minutes from her apartment. Kiara had a croissant with orange juice while Chloe had a blueberry bagel with apple juice. They maintained a good talk about the next couple of shows they had to do until Kiara's phone was ringing.


Kiara answered the phone and spoke professionally, "Good evening, San."

"Hello, Kiara I hate to deliver news so abruptly," San spoke just as professionally, "but you have to go back to Korea next week because of a showcase with Jungkook."

"Really, is it mandatory?"

"I mean it'll be great if you go," San explained, "it's for the Masked Singer and it's just a quick one, two thing. They're going to provide you with your own jet and everything."

"Okay, next week when?"

"Next week Thursday."

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