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sixth month

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sixth month

  Jungkook never imagined that he'd be in Paris but there he was in Paris and sitting in the hotel room he paid for. It was nice in Paris, there were a lot of old people though. Jungkook purchased a ticket to Scared to Love which was the show that Kiara was in. Jungkook didn't know what to expect but he really did want to speak with Kiara and to apologize.

  Jungkook only had two hours to get ready for the show but he was already freshened up and dressed so he decided to walk around Paris. He was a bit like a lost puppy because he didn't speak French or that much of English. He stopped at the store and purchased a souvenir for Misun which was an Eiffel Tower necklace then stopped at the florist vendor on the street.

  Jungkook took a cab to the show and when he showed his ticket to the usher of the place, his seat was upgraded to the fifth row which was a huge difference from the twentieth row. Jungkook sat there, his legs were shaking as he waited for the show to start. He didn't know how likely it was going to be that Kiara would even see him after the show, he just needed to be there. He missed her even if they didn't talk, he was okay with just seeing her.

  Once the show did start, Jungkook was mesmerized by how Kiara looked. He was able to recognize her right away because of the big smile she had. The show was unlike anything Jungkook had ever watched. The effort and passion shined bright throughout the production. Jungkook was convinced that he was the first to give a standing ovation at the end. Jungkook even got a bit teary-eyed from happiness and guilt.

Guilt because seeing how happy Kiara was and how great she was on stage and not being the tiniest bit if supportive of her. He allowed his insecurities to get in the way of being there for her while she lived her dreams. Jungkook couldn't stop himself from thinking how many time that he wasted being petty while he could've been sharing his love with Kiara. All those thoughts ran through Jungkook's mind as he went to the lobby.

Jungkook watched as a lot of the dancers that were apart of the show were greeted by people in the lobbies. Families, couples, children, and friends which made Jungkook feel warm all over. Jungkook always loved to see people reunite with each other. It reminded him a lot of when he used to reunite with Misun.

Jungkook's hands clutched onto the tulip and iris bouquet of flowers that he got from the florist vendor while he waited to see if Kiara was going to come inside of the lobby. When twenty minutes passed and still nothing he decided to ask one of the dancers that Kiara worked with for the show, "Do you know where Kiara Bradley is?"

"Oh she left right after the show," the girl said apologetically, "I'm sorry." Jungkook felt defeat but he masked it with a smile and held his head high, "Thank you." Jungkook sighed as he stepped out of the venue and started to walk away from it. The hotel was quite a distance from the venue but he didn't care to get a ride at all. He needed a walk to clear his mind—well, not to clear it but to regulate his thoughts.

  In the middle of his walk, after he passed this plaza that mainly consisted of music shops, was when he felt his body go into overdrive. Kiara was across the street from him, wearing her ballet outfit, and her bookbag was high on her back. Jungkook dashed across the street, good thing there was no traffic. Right when Jungkook's foot hit the sidewalk, he felt his body moving forward.

Jungkook was falling but he made sure to use his hand to brace himself, however, his lip was bleeding because he bit on it too hard. "Oh—are you okay?!" When Jungkook looked up at Kiara with a sheepish smile. "Jungkook?!" Jungkook could tell that Kiara was confused, seemed a bit disoriented.

Jungkook got up slowly and picked up the flowers that dropped out of his hands when he fell. "I—uh—I got these for you." Kiara reluctantly stepped forward and pushed his hand with the flowers in them down, "I'm so—"

Jungkook didn't have time to apologize because Kiara hugged him as if he was going to disappear into thin air. Jungkook closed his eyes as he rested his chin on top of Kiara's head. He knew they must've looked straight out of a romance movie as they held onto each other tightly in the streets of Paris. It was kind of scary for Jungkook that Kiara didn't seem to be upset with him, she was acting as if everything was okay.

"I saw the show," was the first thing Jungkook said to Kiara when they stopped hugging each other, "your talent is incredible and I—I can't put into words how sorry I am." Kiara gave Jungkook a weak smile as she took the flowers out of his hand, "Thank you for the flowers."

"Why are you out here walking by yourself?"

Kiara sighed, "Because my phone died and I didn't want to bother anyone. They all had people there for them at the show and I just planned on going to a payphone to call a cab. Wait—your lip is bleeding."

Jungkook shrugged but Kiara opened her book bag and took out a napkin, she reached out to wipe off the blood but paused, "Uh, it's okay if I—"

Jungkook nodded frantically, "Uh, yeah—yeah, it's fine." Kiara clutched on to the napkin tightly before she wiped gingerly at his lower lip. Once there was no more blood, she backed up from him. "Why are you here in Paris?"

"I—I miss you and I'm sorry—"

"—okay, I'm too tired for us to talk tonight," Kiara quickly interrupted him, "Where are you staying? Is it close from here?"

"Not really," Jungkook answered, "I'll call us a cab, if you don't mind us staying the night together."

"I wouldn't mind."

"Are you sure I can wear your clothes?"

Jungkook assured Kiara, "It's fine by me, Kiara."

Kiara took a shower first in the hotel room then Jungkook went in right after, once they were done showering, Kiara just stood near the bed, unsure of what to do. "What happened?" Jungkook asked her as he got into the bed, he was sitting up when he noticed she didn't join.

"Are you okay with me sleeping with you—I mean," Kiara stammered over her words as she spoke again, "I don't wanna sleep with you in that way—I mean not that I—"

"—it's fine."

It was a bit tense for them as they laid down in the bed. Kiara was sure to keep a distance and Jungkook just laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. He didn't know how to feel with Kiara by him, didn't know what to do, but he couldn't handle the silence. "Kiara?" Jungkook turned to his side to look at her, she was also looking up at the ceiling.


Kiara turned her head to look at Jungkook's apologetic face, "I don't like this," he expressed strongly as he sat up from the bed and Kiara sat up as well, "I don't like acting as if we're strangers. I'm sor—"

Kiara frowned at him, "I get it, I know, but I don't want to talk tonight I'm sure we have lots to say but right now, it isn't the time. Now go to sleep and stop apologizing."

"So you're not mad at me?"

"If I was I wouldn't be here," Kiara said in a bit of harsh tone then quickly spoke gently, "we'll talk tomorrow."

The next day came by fast, it felt like Jungkook only slept for an hour. Kiara was gone by the morning and Jungkook panicked. Jungkook laughed sadly to himself, that was what he deserved. There was no way that Kiara was going to just forgive him just like that.

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