Chapter 26

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[Happy Birthday Elvis Presley!]

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[Happy Birthday Elvis Presley!]

• Warning Sexual Conduct!!

Elvis home in California was so nice. It had the biggest pool ever.

We could not use it nor go to the beach today. It was pouring down rain right now. Thunder boomed overhead.

What a storm! It was really making me jumpy. Nervous. I sigh as I try not to look at the window as the rain poured. Then the lights flickered on then off.

I gasp.


"What is the matter honey?" Elvis croons soothingly as his large hands cup over my small shoulders.

He rubs my shoulders to sooth my nerves. He leans down kissing me on the side of the neck.

"I hate storms like this. It really gets to me" I mention to him.

He sits beside me on the couch. He leans in kissing me. Soon I forget all about the storm as we begin to neck. My hands are in his feathery soft black curls.

He groans softly as our kiss deepens. I loved him so much. He loved me. His lips graze over mine. Heating my body from my head to my toes. I jump though still as the thunder rages overhead of us. I bump heads with poor Elvis.

"I am so so sorry" I groan.

"You really are nervous? Sandra poor baby" he coos. He encircles his arms around me. I let him. "Don't be scared. Even if the power goes out, I have a generator" he mentions. "we will have power"

"Good" I sigh.

He nods. "I have a basement here to we can go to if we need it" he offers.

"Great" I say as I feel better now.

"My daughter will be over tomorrow. I hope my two favorite ladies in the whole world will get along with each other" he mentions.

"I can't wait to get to know Lisa" I say. "I will try my best"

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