Chapter 24

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Graceland was such a beautiful home

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Graceland was such a beautiful home. I truly enjoyed being there. Elvis and I still had yet to really connected and make love with one another. We had so much time to connected.

I wondered what was stopping him. Nothing was stopping me. I felt he was holding back. He helped me to in so many ways. He had saved my job at the hospital. Thankfully.

He was back working. Working on new music. Talk was going around that he was planning on flying out to California to visit Cilla and his child. And use some studios out that way for his band.

I was not sure if he planned on having me stay here at Graceland while he went to his home out there. I did not like the last little meet up with Cilla. And how left out around him I felt with her there.

I waited on Elvis telling me his plans. Rather then depending on his mafia telling me his plans.


"There you are nurse" teases Elvis. "I was looking all over for you"

"You were?" I ask as I sit outside there in the yard at Graceland.

"We need to talk. About us" he begins.

This was it. He had been cheating. And he was dumping me, or he was going back to Ginger or Cilla. Why was I so stupid to get feelings for my boss? Why did I allow this? I wince as I fear the worst now. He was dumping me. I could feel it inside of me.

He places a hand on top of mine. His large hand cups over mine.


"I know you want to take us to another level. I want to also. But I want to make sure my health is good before we fool around. I would not want to risk doing something that would harm me" he breaths out. "I hope that makes sense. I want to take you up to that room upstairs and make love to you more than you know. But I do not want to end up in the hospital lying there and fighting for my life. How can we make sure I am better? That all this work if working?" he asks me with wonder.

I breath out relief. "Elvis you are smart to ask me. We can run tests on you and your heart to see where your health is. That is a great idea" I tell him.

He beams a happy smile. "You really think so?" he asks me.

I nod. "I am glad you came to me and asked to"

"I was not sure how to. I am also sorry that it seemed like I was pushing you away or that I was busy. I was not at all" he promises me.

I lean in kissing him on the lips.


"I am so glad" I sigh.

"What did you think I was going to say?" he asks me with a chuckle.

"I was worried you were going to dump me" I admit softly.

"No never would that cross my mind Sandra" he tells me. "I want to move forward with you. That is all I want to focus on. And I have plans for us"

I beam happily at him. "Good" I giggle.

"I have something else to say" he tells me.

"Oh, go ahead" I say.

"I need to go out to California. This time to go see my baby. Lisa" he tells me. "We are also working on new music out there. I have to keep up with these times or I will be forgotten" he worries.

"Alright I will be here when you come back" I offer.

"No, I want you to come. I plan on telling Cilla about us. I was not honest with Lisa about you in my life. And I am sorry for the way things happened before with all of us. I want to make things up to you. I want you to see how serious I really am about you" he explains.

I am touched inside. "Elvis" I breath out. "I want that to. Thank you. Are you sure you want me to come?" I worry.

He nods as he holds my hand. "I do. It is time. We will be out in public more together. Everyone will know. They need to hear things from me"

"Alright then" I say.

"I never thought to ask, if we do grow to be more serious Sandra would you ever think of wanting to be a mother?" he asks me. "I have Lisa and she will be in our lives a lot"

I smile. "Elvis she is adorable, and I always have wanted to be a mother one day"

He beams happily. "I am not talking marriage yet. I mean these are just worries I wanted to go over with you" he adds.

"I understand that" I agree. "Smart of you to ask me that"

"Ginger loved Lisa but she was not sure she wanted to be a mom at that time" he admits. "I should have asked her. But we just jumped into things"

"I am thrilled you had this talk with me. And I can't wait to go to California with you" I happily admit.


We stand up and he pulls me in his arms.

"I am glad to. I was nervous to have this talk with you. But talking to you is always so easy for me Sandra. I feel I can come to you with anything. You make my life brighter. Easier. Carefree. I love that feeling in my life. Thank you for bringing that to me" he says softly. "I am so blessed to have you"

"Elvis, I am the lucky one" I say with happy tears in my eyes.

He holds me close. We hold onto one another not saying another word. I enjoy the moment of bliss being there in his warm embrace. Encircled by love. By Elvis.

"We have so many good times awaiting us Sandra. I can feel it. I can't wait to see what the tests say about my health to. I have a feeling they will pass with flying colors" he brags.

I hope for that most of all. His health and happiness.

"I hope so Elvis" I agree.

"I have you to thank for that and for never giving up on me" he says softly.

Our eyes gaze at one another. He smiles. Then his lips fall to mine. I return his kiss.

"I am so happy. I have you to thank for that Sandra" he whispers after the kiss was over.

"Oh Elvis!" I mutter in a happy daze. I lean in kissing him again. I hoped this happy feeling never ended. He was my happiness.

My joy!


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