Chapter 7

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It was late in the night

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It was late in the night. A storm was keeping me up. I hear thunder booming outside the window pain. Winds were high and whistling above the room. My heart races. I always hated storms growing up as a kid. They scared me.

Because they were so big, and you could not control them. They could take down everything you owned in a blink of an eye. That happened to my gram after my grandpa passed away. All she had left was the farm. Then the tornado came swooped everything away from her.

She had nothing left. That made a huge impact on my life that moment on. She had hugged me and told me "God can give us the world and take it away. Never forget that! We are owed nothing" she warns me. "Be grateful for each day because we are not promised another" she warned me as she hugged me tightly to her side.

Thunder boomed again over head startling me. I even saw lighting strike over near the window. I get up out of bed then close the curtains tightly. The thunder clasped again making me scream a little bit. I did not want to wake up Elvis. I cover my mouth with my hands. I rush to the bed. Then cover up with the blankets. I close my eyes trying to force myself to go to sleep.


"Damn it!" I mutter to myself.

At this rate I was never going to get a wink of sleep. I needed it. I was going to have to work with Elvis the next day. Go jogging with him. We had a lot of ground to go over in a short amount of time.

Thunder crashed again. I shiver as I sit up in bed. Maybe I would feel better away from all the windows in this room. I place a bathrobe around myself. I turn on the hall light dim so I could see as I went down the hall.



"Damn storm!" I shiver.


I hear Elvis in his room. His door was cracked open some.

"Sandra?" I hear him weakly call my name out. "I can't get up. Can-can you come to me?" he begs me.

My fears of storms are forgotten. Elvis needed me. I rush to his side.

"Do not turn on the light though please" he begs me. I sit beside him on the bed.

I wondered what was going on with the poor thing. "Elvis what is wrong?" I ask him.

"I am not sure.... I went to bed feeling alright. I was going to bed early like you asked of me. I have a fever or a cold. Something. I am sweating to death. I can't sleep. My heart is racing" he stammers.

I can see his face in the moonlight. He was sweating bullets. I move his covers down on him a bit, so he was not so warm. He was not wearing a shirt. I tried to focus. He needed me. I touch his face with my palm. He was burning up. I wondered if he was sick. He had not been around someone who was sick had been here this whole time. Not in crowds.

I grab my medical bag in my room. I take his temp. Making him open his mouth for me. I wait a moment. I hold his wrist in mine counting his heartbeat rate. I finally take the thermometer out of his mouth. I turn on his nightstand light. He was running a high fever.


"Elvis you caught something" I worry.

I see him more clearly. He had very dark circles under his eyes. His face was sweating bullets like I said before. He coughs. He grabs my wrists. "Give me them! I need them" he orders me.

"Need what Elvis?" I ask him.

He was hurting my wrist. Squeezing it tightly. "My pills I need my pills!" he demands as he coughs. "I can't sleep! My heart is racing! I need them they calm me" he begs me. "Please go get me some!"

I shake my head. "Elvis this has to be effects of being off the pills! You had been doing well. Now your body is reacting to being off them is all!" I try to explain to him.

"Useless woman!" he snaps at me.


He never had been so harsh to me before. I let it slide due to the relapse he was enduring. He groans then lays back down on the bed. I had to call my boss. I never dealt with someone being off drugs before. This was all new to me. I was still training somewhat! I had to now how to help Elvis. I turn the light back off for him. I go to my room to call Barb.

"Sandra! I am sorry! Please come back!" I hear Elvis calling for me.

I shut the door in my room. I sit down on the bed. I go to make a call. I call Barb at the hospital. "How may I help you? Barb speaking" she answers the front desk when I get through.

"Barb thank heavens!" I sigh with relief.

"What is going on?" she asks me. "How is Mr. Presley?"

"Not good! He is off pills. Heavy ones. And I do not know how to help him! He is literally begging me to get him more pills! How do I help?" I wonder. Is there something more to do??

"Sadly no. He has to stay off them to get better. Otherwise all we can do is admit him use force and strap him down to a bed" she tells me. "he does not need that kind of press" she warns me.

"I understand" I sigh. "he is sweating badly and his is desperate to get the pills he was addicted to. I have never saw him act this way before!" I tell her.

"Keep working at it! Get through to him!" she tells me. "If anyone can I know you can!" she praises me.

"I will try my best Barb" I say. "I am not sure I can do it" I worry.

"Good luck honey" she says before we hang up.

Elvis is pounding on my door. He opens it. "Who were you talking to just now? Selling my story to the press? Hmm? Telling them I am a washed-up druggy?" he demands to know. He grabs me by my wrist pulling me up off my bed.

"No, I swear! Elvis I was calling my boss Barb! From the hospital! To help you!" I tell him. I shake with fear. I never had saw him so angered before. Not like this.

Anger flashes in his eyes. "Never touch my things again! They are mine! I do not have to get rid of anything! This is my home!" he roars. "Mine!"


He let's go of my wrist. I nearly fall to the bed. I tremble with fear at what he was going to do next. Anger was so powerful. Hate. I was scared of my boss.

He wanted me to see how powerful he was. And how weak I was. He had the upper hand and he knew it. He glares at me. Then he goes to leave, and he punches a hole in the side of the wall. He does not even wince as after he punches the wall. Finally. I rush to the door. I shut it then lock my door. I wanted nothing more to do with this man. Or how he was acting right now.

I was not trained with this. And I could not handle Elvis. That was clear. He did not want my help. I crumble to the floor. I lean on the door. And cry. I was to scared to go back to sleep. What if he tried to come back in here?

What if he did manage to hurt me? I was going to have to talk to Ginger in the morning. And tell her I quit. This was all far too much for me to handle. I had wanted to help Elvis. With all my heart. But I could not keep living this way. Not in fear! 


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