Chapter 31

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I was nervous, I was not sure I could go through with this

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I was nervous, I was not sure I could go through with this. Seeing Matthew again made me feel really sick to my stomach. I never wanted to see his face again and here I was having to deal with him. At least this time maybe I would be free of him forever. I could only hope. I paced the floors.

I was in the kitchen. Mary was off for the day. I did not want others meeting Matthew. The less who knew him the better things would be. I get out a bag of chips.

And a bowl. I rip open the bag then pour the chips into the bowl. I get out a few cold colas and then proceed to carry them all out to the jungle room area of the house. I set the food out. The clock dings. I glance nervously over at it. He should be here at any given moment.

Elvis comes into the jungle room. He pulls me in his embrace. He plants a kiss on my lips. Instantly calming my nerves. He smiles at me.

Making my heart flutter inside of my chest. I smiled at him. Once this was all behind me maybe one day Elvis would want to remarry, and maybe I could be that girl. I could dream can't I?


"Everything will be alright honey" he promises me softly.

"How can you say that? We can pay him off. And he will be gone for awhile. Then he will come back wanting more money out of us" I worry. "I want him out of my life forever. I wish I never had met him. At the time I was desperate for help. He knew that. He played on that factor" I mutter under my breath.

"I promise you everything will be fine honey" he says to me again.

The phone rings. Elvis heads over to answer the call in the kitchen. I hear talking softly. I could not hear what Elvis was saying on the phone though.

"Sandra, can you come here a moment?" Elvis calls out to me.

"Sure" I stammer.

I rush to the kitchen.


"It is the police. There was an accident" he begins to tell me. He hands me the phone.

"This Matthew fellow had your name in his car. Were you friends Miss McCall?" asks the officer on the phone.

"Yes, I had known him long ago. He was heading here in town to visit me today" I say. "why? Can I ask what is going on here?" I wonder.

"There was a drunk driver on the road. Then Matthew's car was hit. He rolled his car off the road nearly off a cliff here" mentions the officer.

"Is he alright?" I worry. "That is awful!" I exclaim.

"No, he is not. He is dead Miss McCall" the officer says. "he had a few people after him. He was deeply in debt. We think he was murdered. But we can't prove that" he explains to me.

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