Chapter 22

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It was late in the night

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It was late in the night. I could not sleep for some reason. I was up worrying over Elvis and those pills I caught him on. I hoped he was not going to use them again. I hoped he would keep his word to me like he claimed he would.

I go to head downstairs to get something to drink. Elvis was weighing on my mind that night. I wanted to go check on him. But I did not want him to think that I did not trust him.

A part of me was worried. He had gone through so much to get off the drugs. I did not want him relapsing He had a lot to be proud of. He really had come along way. Without Ginger helping him. He did it on his own. I linger a bit by his doorway. I sigh. He did not need me in there babying him.

I go to head downstairs.


"Sandra?" I hear him call out to me. "Is that you?"

"Elvis what are you doing up? I thought you went to bed?" I ask him.

"Can you come here please?" he begs me.

"Sure" I mutter.

I come in. He has a light on near his nightstand.

"I did not take any pills. But I can't sleep" he says to me.

"Oh" I answer. "want me to get you some warm milk?" I offer.

He leans up in bed. He was shirtless. I bite my lip. Damn. He was so good looking. His hair was all tousled and messy. He looked so adorable in bed. I sit beside him on his bed.

I touch his forehead. He was a little warm. His body had drugs the other night. Now he was reacting to not having any. That was why he could not sleep.


"Stay" he begs me. "I bet I can sleep if you stay"

"Elvis!" I stammer nervously.

"Not like that. Nothing like that sweetheart. I just need to sleep. I want you beside me. Cuddling, I sleep better with someone in my bed beside me. Please!" he begs me. "Nothing would happen yet. I promise. You have my word as a gentleman" he vows.

I was not so sure about this.

"Alright" I answer at last. "Anything to get you to sleep"

He sighs gratefully.


"Thank you, sweetheart," he says.

I brush his hair out of his face. "I care bout you you know?" I remind him. I want what is best for you"

He smiles. "I know you do"

"Let me go turn off the light in the hall and my room. I will be right in" I offer. "Alright?"

"Sounds perfect" he tells me.

I kiss him on the lips before I leave. Would nothing really happen if I spent the night in his bed? I mean I heard all the stories about how many women he bagged in his bed.

Would I be another one added on his list? How serious was he about me? About us? I knew I was serious about him. All to serious. I was nervous and I was worried about getting my heart broken in the end by him.

I had to learn to trust if I wanted to be loved. And I did. I wanted to be loved by Elvis. By a twist of fate, I was loved by Elvis. I was so grateful he did. And I was going to do whatever I had to, to hold onto that love he had for me. And treasured it. Everyday. I would not take him for granted. Ever. I turn off the light in my room. I turn off the lights in the hallway to.

I make my way back to his bedroom. Where we would spend the night together. It was not the first time I had spent an all nighter at his side. But that was different. This time we were together. And we had real feelings for each other. That was made me nervous. And excited. Maybe I hoped something more would happen. Maybe that was it??

I get in his room. He was nearly asleep. I sit beside him. His beautiful eyes flutter open.


"I am back" I whisper softly.

"Hey doc" he answers.

"Ready for bed?" I ask.

He nods. I turn off his light. Then I climb in his bed. My heart races fast in my eardrum. I get under his covers. He lifts them up for me. He pulls me in his warm embrace.

The warmth of his body heat overpowers mine. I shiver with delight. I rest my head on his chest. My hand shakily rests on his bare chest. I was in Elvis bed.

Excitement rushes through my veins.

I feel him reach for me kissing me on the forehead. "This is not my ideal way of having you in my bed. But I am glad you are here with me tonight doc" he chuckles softly.


"I am glad to be here with you" I softly admit.

I feel his head rest on top of mine. We were so close. I ached in my body to be closer to him. I did not dare make any moves. Tonight, was not the right time for this. I wondered what was going on in his mind right now to?

"Yes, darlin I want you more than you could know. But now is not the right time" he says to me. "Not tonight sweetheart"

It was like he read my mind.

"What do you know? Elvis Presley is a real gentlemen" I giggle softly.

"Do not let others know" he jokes. "My reputation as a lady's man will be at stake" he teases.

I giggle at that. "Oh Elvis"

"Does this count as a second date?" he jokes.

I am giggling now. "No" I laugh.

"Darn" he laughs.

I loved hearing his deep laughter. That put me at ease.

"Sandra?" he asks softly.


"I want you more than anything. I hope you know. But no worries tonight. I wanted you to know where I stand" he admits.

"Oh Elvis" I say softly.

I lean up. I plant a kiss on his lips. He returns my kiss.

"Good night doc" he says after our long hot sweet kiss ends.

"Sweet dreams Elvis. Love you" I admit.

"I love you to doc" he promises me. I lay back down on his chest. His arms go wrapping around my shoulders. He holds me close to him. His head rests on my head. I felt so safe here. So, wanted by him. So, loved. I hoped this feeling never would change. 


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