Chapter 27

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Today was the day Cilla was stopping by here to bring Lisa Marie over to spend time with Elvis

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Today was the day Cilla was stopping by here to bring Lisa Marie over to spend time with Elvis. While he was in town around them.

I knew how much he adored Lisa. He really had missed his daughter. Part of the reason why he was getting better to was for his daughter. I knew Cilla was going to see a change in Elvis. She might allow him to have more time with Lisa. 

That was all Elvis really needed to. Family. Maybe one day we would have a child of our own. But when we got married. Did he ever plan on remarrying? He once had wanted to marry Ginger.

So maybe the idea of marriage was still on the table for Elvis. I would love to be the one to marry Elvis. But was he really over Cilla? I know they had a deep bond with one another. One that Ginger used to worry about.

I was dressed. And I was wearing a sundress for the day. It was a beautiful yellow. With flowers on the dress. I fixed my hair up for Elvis the way he said he liked my hair to be.

I did my hair and my make up to. I was not really trying to upstage Cilla. But I did want to look better than her. After all I was a younger than she was. I hear the doorbell ring. My heart skips a beat. They were here!

Show time!


"Sandra!" Elvis calls out for me.

"Coming love" I call back so he could hear me.

I rush into the living room to greet his family. Mike Stone had come along with Cilla. Elvis did not look pleased at all to see Mike. But I did not blame him. Mike was the reason for the divorce really. It had to hurt to see that. Was he jealous? My heart sinks a little bit.

"Daddy!" calls our a happy Lisa. She rushes over to Elvis and hugs him. She laughs as he picks her up and twirls her around in his arms.

"Yesia" he happily says to her.

"I missed you daddy" she tells him.

"I sure have missed you to" he answers. "thank you for bringing her by" he mentions to Cilla.

"Sandra pleasure to see you again, are you here to work for Elvis as his nurse while you are both here?" she asks me. "Elvis you are looking  a lot better than the last time we saw you"

"All thanks to Sandra. No she is not here as my nurse. I am dating Sandra now" Elvis informs Cilla.

Cilla looks over at me. I feel nervous. Not sure what to say to fill the silence. 


"Well, this is a step up from that god awful gold digger Ginger" she chuckles. We all laugh.

"Cilla!" sighs Elvis. He shakes his head.

"We are going to have a cook out here. You both are welcome to stay and join us" I offer to them.

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