Chapter 20

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Elvis planned out our second date

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Elvis planned out our second date. We had to go to one of his karate meetings first then after we were going to go on a date. He rented out something for us. A building.

I was not sure what one or where the date would be at. But I was super excited about it. Should I be telling Elvis that I loved him first? Or should I allow him to do all the work? Was it far to soon to even mention the love word?

I mean this was Elvis.

Girls flung themselves on him. Declaring love to him. And he did not even know him. I knew him. He was my boyfriend. I had a right to see where this was leading right? Where was this leading? I would not even tell the world we were dating yet.

What kind of girlfriend was I? I had to tell everyone we were seeing each other. What if Ginger was not having a baby after all and came to try to win him over?

Get Elvis back?


Someone knocks on my bedroom door. "Are you ready to go Sandra?" Elvis asks me from behind the door.

"Ready to roll" I say cheerfully.

I open the door. He was looking fantastic. All decked out in his karate uniform. I suck in my breath. I could not take my eyes off him. He was stunning.

"What? Something on my face?" he jokes.

I shake my head. "No, you look great in that outfit. You have been working out. And it shows" I brag on him. He grins looking pleased with me.

He yanks me in his arms. Then his lips fall to mine. "You look beautiful tonight" he says to me.

"Aw Elvis" I say happily. I am blushing now.

"I mean it" he promises me.

I lean in kissing him. "So where are you taking me for this date?" I ask him after we kiss.

He shakes his head no.


"No way doc. This is going to be a surprise" he reminds me.

"Fine!" I sigh.

He takes me by the hand and leads me to the car outside. His driver was ready we get into the back seat of the car once he opens the door for me to get in. I feel Elvis place his arm around my shoulder. I sink into him. I loved snuggling up to him. He smelled fantastic. I loved his cologne. It was manly.

"You better enjoy snuggling now. Because I will all sweaty later" he jokes with a laugh.

I have to laugh at that.

"I bet you will sir" I chuckle. I touch his cheek with my hand. "I am so lucky to be with you" I promise him.

His eyes light up happily. "You mean that?"

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