Chapter 14

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~aizawa's POV~
Ugh this is such a pain I hate hospitals those villains really did a number on me but I don't care I'm better now but of course recovery girl insisted even mic ugh I don't like when mic is worried she gets overly stressed even though she doesn't show it I can tell.
I hear my hospital phone(I don't know if this is real or not but it's basically a phone doctors or nurses call the patient when they need something or to inform them someone visited) ringing so I picked it up and it was the doctor. Weird what does he want from me.
/The doctor and aizawa's phone call/

D:hello eraserhead?
A:yes hello this is me.
D:we would like to inform you that your student shoto todoroki is giving signals that he will wake up but there is a problem and we need you to come please there's no time to explain nezu said you could help. Please hurry when you come you will see what I mean.
A:okay I'm on my way.

I hung up the phone and exited my hospital room as fast as possible. When I got to the room I saw the most terrifying thing I could see. My student was shaking like crazy screaming stop and help and shrieking of pain and his heart monitor was beeping like crazy and was tossing and turning while he was unconscious!
I couldn't believe it why aren't the doctors doing anything. And then I noticed another purson it was all might.
"you might be wondering why he is like this well we don't know we gave him injections to keep him calm but nothing is working. But principle nezu said that you might know how to fix it eraserhead" said the doctor. Suddenly Todoroki's heart monitor started beeping faster than before and he stopped screaming. I ran up to him and hugged him telling him to calm down and everything will be alright. And to my surprise it worked his heart beat became normal and his body became limp so I put him on the bed and covered him with a blanket.
I sighed as I turned to face all might and the doctor only to find them with a shocked face?
"I always knew you loved your class eraser" said all might with a smirk. "h-how not even the injections could calm him down" said a lost for words doctor "I don't know how should I know" I replied with a blank face.
Me and all might sat at the chair next to Todoroki's bed. I hope he gets better. I heard he woke up for one minute then fainted immediately and now this happened to him poor kid.

-one hour later-
I was talking with all might when we heard the heart monitor start to beep a bit faster and when we turned our heads to todoroki we noticed him scrunching his eyes then he opened them.....
Hi guys thx for reading I hope you enjoyed I'm sorry for not posting early. Also guys I would really appreciate it if you liked the chapter it encourages me to write more but if you don't its okay. Have a good day/night.

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