Chapter 11 (I'm A What Now!?)

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~midoriya's POV~

I opened my eyes to blinding light shining on me. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up but I couldn't my body hurt so much. I winched in pain and attempted to sit up again and succeeded but then I felt something heavy on me and when I looked down I regreted doing so....
I saw that I had boobs.. but that's impossible I'm a boy but nonetheless I screamed my lungs out. All might, mom and a doctor came rushing in the room frightened from my screaming. "young midoriya what's wro- WHAT THE HELL" all might said more like screamed. "that's what I was going to tell you before midoriya screamed" the doctor said "looks like midoriya was hit with a gender bend quirk and I'm sorry to say that it's permanent " he continued with but that was too much information to take in I tried to say something but before I could I fainted.

~all might's POV~

When the doctor told us that midoriya is a girl now and forever I saw the color drain from his I mean her face and fainted "sweety!" inko said while rushing to midoriya "don't worry it's just from extreme shock" the doctor explained. "I will leave you to take in the information if you need anything feel free to call me" and with that he left.inko looked shocked but a bit of worry.
"don't worry I'm sure he i-I mean she will get used to it" I tried to confort her but it didn't work.
"no I don't think it will be okay"
"what? Why?"
"izuku had always been struggling with anxiety although he never admitted it but it was obvious to me"
".... I - I didn't know but I'm pretty sure his class mates will understand is there another reason for you to be so worried " I pleaded for her to tell me but she just shook her head and told me that there was something else but izuku never told her even though she practically begged him to tell her but he just told her everything was okay. I nodded and didn't push her any further.

-one hour later-

~midoriya's POV~

I opened my eyes and hoped that everything was a dream but of course it wasn't I started crying with mom hugging me telling me it's going to be okay. It's not okay I'm going to get bullied more that normal I can't deal with that and kacchan will tease me none stop I mean he already does that but how will everyone react. I'm such a disappointment I couldn't even protect myself properly.
After a while the doctor came and told me that I was a sleep for a week and that the changes didn't happen only on the day of the attack and the day I woke up but I guess it happened in the night and he also explained why I was feeling so much pain it was because my body was experiencing fast changes in a short period of time and he also told me that i could be discharged today. After that he left.
"izuku honey I know this is hard for you but we will need to go shopping I won't buy dresses and stuff like that but we should buy clothes that fit you better is that good?"
Mom told me with a slight smile. I noded and thanked her.
-after izuku got discharged and arrived at the mall- (oh and btw all might is with them)
The mall was crowded I felt every eye on me but I knew that was just anxiety so I ignored it. After we shopped for a bit and decided to eat at a restaurant. I noticed that we passed the pharmacy on our way so I told mom and all might to go ahead and I would catch up.
Once I got in the pharmacy I saw what I needed alcohol wipes bandages, pills and other medical things. After I paid for everything I put them in my bag and headed towards the restaurant.
When I got there I saw all might waving at me "did you find what you wanted" he asked. I nodded in response but then I remembered something...... Shoto.
"do you know what happened to Shoto I saw the man stabbing him with a neddle and inject something in him" I said with consern all over my face.
"well he is still a sleep but we found an un known drug in him I guess it's what they injected him with" all might said with consern then he continued "but the strange thing is that his heart rate is quickening at times. But it quickens to the point he needs meds to bring it back no one knows what the drug is. We even brought scientists to take a look but even the best didn't know what it does but don't worry they are still researching it" as he was explaining a phone call enterupted him.
"all might he woke up... Shoto woke up"

hat's the end of the chapter I hope you enjoyed it .sorry this came out a bit late. I was busy this week but I want to hear your suggestions also what do you think happened to shoto... Hmmmm who know guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter. I'm so evil ahaha😈.
Have a good day/night.

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