chapter 8 (eating...)

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~todoroki's POV~

I just stayed curled up in a ball crying trying to avoid the voices but they just got louder and louder by the passing second .eventually I cried myself to sleep.

-the next morning-

I woke up with a terrible headache from crying so much and overworking my body but oh well what can I do other than taking a lot of pain killers to numb the I got up from the corner that I slept at and started to get ready. when I got to the bathroom I took off my shirt to see a reflection of a thin broken boy he looked so pitiful, and that was me a pitiful boy that is useless. but I just ignored the thoughts that were beginning to come back and continued getting dressed. when I was done getting ready I took my phone to see that it was early and I decided to start training ahead from everyone else, so I exited the camp and started to train.

~aizawa's POV~

I woke up early like always and got ready and began to exit the camp to prepare for today's training. when I got out I heard something crack and decided to investigate when I got close I saw todoroki using his ice then hitting it with his bare hands then afterward would use his fire on his body I guess so his body can get used to the heat .he continued to train but his technics were brutal and over the extreme. I stayed to watch for a while after deciding to go prepare the equipment for today's training and leave him alone to do his thing and would call him when the others wake up which was 3 hours from now considering the sun hasn't even risen up yet.

after I prepared the equipment I started to wake up the students, with of course iida's help .that boy sure loves rules.

~midoriya's POV~

the first thing I heard when I woke up was knocking on my door and iida's voice telling me to wake up .but I don't want to up my body is too sore from yesterday's training for me to get up. after mentally dying from my sore body I got up and got dressed and headed out to meet everyone else.when I got out I saw everyone except todoroki soi asked Aizawa sensei about him and as on queue I saw him coming our way from the woods.

"hey, todoroki how do you feel today?" I said with a smile on my face.

"good I guess..." he replied with a bit of a frown on his face.

" guys come on we need to make breakfast " uraraka called out to us.

we made our way to the others but I noticed something off with todoroki he was way too quiet I mean he was always quiet but he just seemed too quiet but I just shrugged it off.

soon after we finished cooking breakfast and todoroki turned out to be an amazing cook his food was delicious .everyone was munching on their food when I noticed todoroki sitting and not eating so I decided to talk to him "todoroki why aren't you eating?". "not hungry" he replied "come on for me pleasseeeeee"

~todoroki's POV~

midoriya was content on making me eat and I didn't want to worry him so I just simply said "okay" and that seemed to make him happy I honestly don't know why. after I took a couple of bites of food I felt my stomach flipping I wanted to throw up so badly but I just held it because I didn't want to throw up in front of everyone.

after a while, I couldn't take it and I excused myself and once I got inside my room I rushed to the bathroom to empty my insides. and the bad thoughts came back .oh did I forget to mention that I could see my bad thoughts I mean I could see who was saying all these bad things to me he was a black creature with devil horns, tail, and wings and red eyes he could also look like me but without the scar on my face and black hair .i was terrified of him he never told me his name I also don't know why I see him .i only see him when I'm alone or when I'm sleeping he always talk to me telling me horrible things but half of the time I just ignore him like now. I couldn't break down or people would know I'm weak.

I cleaned myself and took another pill of pain killer and went out again to everyone else to start training.

-three days later-

every day was the same wake-up early train, eat then throw up in my bathroom afterward, training, eating throwing up again, sleeping for about 3 or 4 hours.and repeating the same progress.

but today when I woke up I felt uneasy like something was going to happen but I just ignored it and continued doing what I did the previous days until it was night time, only to be greeted by what the wild wild pussy cat's wanted us to do.

but little did I know that tonight was going to be a life-changer...


hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry I didn't post it earlier I just had a lot going on .as always I would love to hear your feedback .what do you think will happen in the next chapter also I would love to see what ships you guys want in this book and I would love to know your ideas on what you want to happen later on in the book. anyway, I hope you have a great day/night.


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