Chapter 1 (the Beginning)

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" s-stop please" todoroki pleaded his 'father' . "you don't tell me what to do brat, ungrateful useless piece of shit" he kept hitting him and punching him until the boys body turned limp.

~The next day~

~Todoroki's POV~

I opened my eyes to find myself in the training room with blood in front of me. "looks like I fainted from all the beating yesterday'' I said to myself . I got up but barely because of the pain I limped over to the bathroom to shower and look at the damage that was done and found bruises all over my body. Afterwards I got dressed and headed out to school. When I got there I had an hour and a half till school begins so I just waited. after a while aizawa sensei entered the classroom and when he saw me he looked surprised to see me so early "what are you doing here so early" he asked me "oh I just woke up early" I said trying to convince him he nodded an okay but it was obvious he didn't believe me. actually the reason why I'm early is because I wanted to leave before my old man woke up. 30 minutes passed and  students began to enter class and after everyone was here class started. I couldn't focus on the lesson I just couldn't I kept thinking about whats going to happen to me when I get home I saw aizawa sensei looking at me and I quickly turned and pretended to listen to the lesson.
When the bell rang informing us that it's lunch time every one left except me because I wasn't allowed to eat my 'father' says it makes me ugly so I don't eat and that led to me having an eating disorder.

~aizawa's pov~

when the bell rang students started leaving but I wanted to talk to todoroki because he seemed off today and thats when I found him in his desk. I went over to him and he looked scared which was weird I looked him in the eyes and said "what's wrong kid" he just looked at me with a sad expression and said nothing I repeated what I said again but still no response but then he started talking in sign language and signed "nothing is wrong sir" I didn't believe him so I put my hand on his shoulder then he flinched. I found that really weird.

~Todoroki's POV ~

He put his hand on my shoulder and I flinced from pain then I thought''oh no stupid me now he will get suspicious of me. stupid stupid useless me"i repeated that in my mind but I didn't realise I started to say it in low sound then I realised he heard me I quickly put my hand on my mouth then he asked me again if I was all right I said that I was okay and apologising a lot of times
"I know your lying kid and I know you can talk"

Now he knows
Its all your fault

The voices came back I thought they left because I didn't hear them when I woke up but I was stupid to think I get that lucky. All I saw after that is darkness.

~Aizawa's POV~

"I know your lying kid and I know you can talk".then Todoroki fainted which surprised me I quickly went up to him calling his name and sprinting over to recovery girl. When I got there she looked shocked to see me carrying a fainted todoroki and asked me what happened I told her he looked off today so I was asking him questions and I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched and started mumbling stuff like stupid and useless then fainted. She took todoroki and put him on the bed to examine him while I tell her what happened then suddenly she stopped and looked at me with a shocked face.


Okay so I hope you enjoyed this chapter this is my first book so sorry if there's any mistakes 😅😅 I would love to hear your feedback.
Anyways have a good day byeeeee.

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