Chapter 13

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The weekend following the party was quite boring. Early Saturday morning Sammie had left because she had family stuff, and so Riley decided to drag me to a roller hockey rink so he could start practicing. Sunday was a day filled with my older brother Robby returning home from college and the family spending time together. That cancelled all plans for dress shopping. No friends, no alone time, only time spent with my family that I didn't really need. So on Monday I was immediately approached by Sam and Stephen.

"Where were you this weekend?" Sam says putting her hands on her hips.

"Robby came home on Sunday so we had to 'spend family time' because we don't get enough of that already." I say rolling my eyes and Stephen laughs.

"I thought I was family," He says pouting. "Why was I not including in this bonding time?"

"Not my fault." I say holding my hands in the air, in a form of surrrendering. They both laugh and the bell signals from the loud speakers. The two of them head in the direction of their first class and I walk down the hall in the opposite direction. Halfway down the hall I get the feeling someone is watching me. I quickly turn but everyone around me was busy getting to their own classes, or shouting over the roars of the crowd to their friends. I shrug and continue to walk to my classy. A shiver runs down my spin but I ignore it hoping that there's just a slight breeze.

Half the day goes by in a flash and soon enough I'm at my locker grabbing some of my books for my later classes. I close my locker and walk down the not so crowded hallway. As I make my way towards the cafeteria I hear the shouting of my name from behind me. I turn around to see who is calling me, but when I looked no one was looking at me it seemed. The creepy feeling someone was watching me had returned and it sent shivers down my spine.

I walked into the cafeteria and head over to the loud group of boys probably talking about something stupid. Quinn looks up and sees me. I send a smile but as I walk closer I start to hear him shush them and they all become quite. When I take one of the empty seats I set my backpack down and look up to see a crowd of my teammates staring back at me.

"What?" I ask taking a sip of my water when Tyler speaks up.

"So have you and Jacob done it yet." He says and I spit out my water all over the table. I totally didn't hear him right. He didn't just say that.

"What?" I say coughing and they all laugh.

"Come on we know you and Jacob are doing the dirty behind our backs." Freddy says from beside me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What? No! Why would you think that!" I say and they all laugh.

"Don't lie to us we can tell when two people are hooking up and when they aren't." Quinn says and I laugh.

"Um no obviously you can't because you are wrong." I say crossing my arms and they all look at me as if they don't believe me.

"Sup fellas." I hear from behind me and I know exactly who's taking the seat next to me.

"Ask him he'll tell you what I'm telling you." I say pointing to Jacob and everyone turns to him.

"What did I do?" He says putting his hands in the air.

"Ask him." I say and they all mumble.

"Fine. You guys are hooking up behind our backs right?" Kyle says and Jacob laughs.

"What? Of course not." Jacob says continuing to laugh and I smirk.

"Told you." I say and they all shrug.

"Still don't believe you." Freddy says next to me as if I can't hear him.

"What would even give you guys the idea we were doing stuff behind all of your backs?" Jacob says and they just grumble out answers.

"Well you guys are like always together." Tyler says and we shake our heads.

"And you always get flustered around each other." Quinn says and okay that's true on my part.

"And you guys were holding hands the other day." Kyle says and okay that true too.

"Plus we all know Ryan has been "tutoring" you Jacob." Freddy says putting at quotes around tutoring and okay I'm starting to hate Freddy and all these guys.

"There's also the fact that Jacob likes y-" before Thomas can finish Jacobs hand was thrown over his mouth.

"Alright that's enough." Jacob says taking his hand off Thomas's mouth and patting him on the back.

"And here's been another edition of 'Jacob's fricking awkward whenever Ryan's around'." Kyle says and everyone laughs though Jacobs is forced.

"Join us next episode when we see him try to ki-"

"Alright that's enough." Jacob says slamming his hands on the table, interrupting Kyle. He grabs his backpack and starts to head out of the cafeteria pissed. I look at the guys at the table and shoot them dirty looks before I get up to see if Jacobs okay. They don't make a comment about it because I'm seen as the glue on this team. Everyone comes to me when they have a problem and I always help whenever there's a bad situation.

"Jacob wait." I say calling after him as he walks down the hall. He stops and waits in the middle of the hallway for me to catch up to him.

"Hey they're just being idiots. Calm down." I say putting my hand on his shoulder and he shrugs it off.

"Yeah but everything they said was true." He mumbles to himself and he slides to the floor leaning against a locker.

"Not all of it." I say and he laughs.

"If you think so." He says and I laugh too trying to caught the tension. Though I don't find anything funny.

"So after practice can you come over and help me. I have this giant test tomorrow and..." He places his head in his hands.

"Sure. But we gotta tell the guys that were hanging out or else they'll think something else is happening yet again." I say laughing and he joins in.

"Yeah but even if we tell them they'll say something." He says and I nod resting my head on his shoulder.

"You know it's really quiet out here. No interruptions. No annoying friends and obnoxious people. Just us and peace and quiet." I say and he nods.

"Yeah I can stay like this forever." He says and I laugh.

"Same but I can never get this quietness anywhere I go." I say and he stiffens slightly.

"Um yeah I was talking about the quietness." He mumbles and I laugh because man he's so cute I just wanna kiss him.

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