New Story Pt. 2?

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Hey guys so I've been working on a story that I think people would like but I'm not sure so here's a sneak peek and like the gist of the story

Vote and/or comment what you think and if a lot of people vote and comment then I'll publish it.

Thanks guys!!

i. Introduction

As beautiful and mysterious black and white was, it sucked to never know what color was. Cassie Hale was tired of the boring blacks and whites, the numbering of the shades, everything.

When people were born, they could only see in black and white, colors blind to the mind. The only way to see the colors was by seeing your soulmate, triggering the part of your brain blocking it. This was great, people knowing when the person they dated was their soulmate, and it also gave hope to the youth. Except, many people never got to experience the color, never found their soulmate. And when your soulmate died, the colors were taken from your eyes, until you joined your mate in the next life.

Cassie was 22, going to school, and working, but still always came up empty handed. Yes, 22 is young and she had plenty of time, but Cassie was so frustrated. Her grandparents had experienced the colors at 16, and her parents at 18. Even her little sister Crystal was bragging about the colors she had gained, and she was 14. It was just so unfair. She hated the whole idea of soulmates, never being with anyone but that person, and what if you hate them? Then again, maybe she was only so against the idea because she could never find hers. She had plenty of time, but she felt as if she was running out because everyone around her was finding their mates besides her.

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