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Another week had gone by, and to say I was sad was an understatement. This small break seemed to be flying by. My jet lag was gone too, which was good. It felt like I slept most of break. At the moment though, all I could think about was Corbyn.

He had gone back to his house a few days ago, leaving me by myself for the weekend. It's not like I'm a kid, and that I need someone to watch over me, I just didn't like to be alone.

I missed the blonde. I missed his presence, I missed his cuddles, I missed the way he felt inside me. I missed him. I sigh, grabbing my phone. I guess I could like a few posts. I open up Instagram, liking a post here and there. I smiled when I saw fan edits of Corbyn and I.

My smile soon disappeared when I scrolled down just a little more. Corbyn had posted a photo, but it wasn't just a photo to me. It was him and Christina, in his apartment, with his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder. The brunette girl was the one taking the photo. I reread the caption over and over again, the phrase never leaving my head.

"Weekends like these"

That's why he left? So he could be with her? I like her I do, but the second Corbyn starts hanging out with her, that changes everything. I lock my phone, willing away the tears. What did she have that I didn't? She's beautiful, gorgeous even. I just wasn't good looking enough I guess. I wrap my arms around myself, suddenly very upset and uncomfortable. I glance at the door, my eyes set on the top two locks that I never use. If Corbyn had a key to my house, I sure as hell don't want him coming in.

I walk over, standing on my tippy toes to lock them, when a knock sounds on my door. I could feel my heart stop. I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to see him.

"Daniel you home? Just thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing." I could feel tears in my eyes as I quickly scramble down, opening the door. Jonah's smile falters immediately as his eyes land on me.

"Hey, buddy what's wrong?" I let him in, unable to speak as I point to the locks. He locks them but takes me over to the couch right after.

"Daniel buddy I need you to calm down for me okay? Can you do that for me?" I don't respond, curling into him as I sob. My hands go to my hair but Jonah quickly grabs them, holding them against his chest. The second I feel his heartbeat beneath my palm, my breathing starts to slow and I start to relax. There was still tears leaking from my eyes as I look around, my gaze slowly going to the taller brunette.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly. I stare ahead of me, the frown evident on my face.

"H-He's with Christina. He- he posted a picture." I sniffle, leaning against the brunette.

"On Instagram?" I nod. He pulls out his phone, typing on it before he sighs.

"You're an idiot Besson." He mumbles under his breath.

"Is that why you wanted me to lock the door?" I nod, pointing to the top locks I had him do for me.

"Those won't let him in even though he has a key. I don't wanna see him." I say, pulling my arm back to my chest.

"He's being an idiot right now. You'll be okay though. I'm right here." He says softly, rubbing my back.

"Thank you Jo." I mumble, gripping onto his shirt tightly as my eyes start to close. I hated the after effects. I tried to keep them open but the brunette started to rub my back gently.

"Go ahead buddy. I'll be here when you wake up." So I slept. I slept for what felt like 20 minutes before my phone went off. Jonah quickly grabbed it, careful not to wake me.

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