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I rub his swollen stomach, my lip trembling. He's been in a coma for a couple months now, and he was almost ready to give birth to our little one. I hated that he was gonna miss the birth, but I know it's what will make him better in the long run.

"Hey baby, mamas still sleeping but you'll be here soon okay? We're so excited to meet you." I say quietly, wiping my eyes before placing my hands on his stomach again. God I wish things weren't like this. I glance at the boy, pale with multiple wires and tubes connected to him. A knock sounds on the door, gaining my attention. I look over, seeing a doctor and a few nurses.

"The room is ready. It's time." I hesitate, but nod, placing one last kiss to daniels head before standing up.

"Follow the nurse to the room, she'll have you put on some scrubs. Kid you're about to become a father." I look at the doctor as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll take very good care of him." He says softly. I nod, wiping my eyes one last time before walking with a nurse out of the room.

I walked into a room, changing into scrubs and listening to everything the nurse was telling me. I let out a breath, trying to ease my nerves, my worries.

"Mr. Besson? It's time." I follow the nurse out, walking into the room where it all was going to happen. I ignored the sheet and the half naked, swollen boy on the bed walking directly to the seat beside his clothed upper half.

I knew he couldn't feel anything, but that didn't stop me from gently petting his hair, and bringing his hand to my lips. I place gentle kisses on his hand, squeezing it gently. I desperately tried to ignore the fact that on the other side of the sheet they were cutting him open.

I hated knowing he was still like this. The day he passed out and his body stopped. The day his family blamed me for everything before leaving me. The day I lost him. The day they hooked him up to machines so he would live through his pregnancy. They didn't expect him to wake after, a harsh reality I didn't want to accept.

I squeeze my eyes shut, desperately trying not to break. I need to be strong. For him, for- a wail cuts through the air, causing my head to lift up. I watch as they cut the cord connecting the tiny infant to my lover, tears filling my eyes.

"Congrats Mr. Besson. You have a beautiful baby boy." I couldn't help the tears as I watched them take him to a small table, cleaning him up before taking his weight and length. Soon the little one was in a blanket with a beanie on his head, the nurse carefully walking over to me.

"Here he is." She says softly. I hesitate, looking from her to the infant.

"I can hold him?" I ask, looking at the small, wiggling infant as he fussed.

"Of course." She gently places him in my arms and I can't help but cry. He was looking around curiously as his little tongue poked out. He had Daniels eyes, and his little nose too. He definitely had my eyebrows and ears, and his lips? Definitely Daniels.

"Do you have a name?" A nurse asks softly as they work on Daniel.

"Daniel picked out a name for the boy but he wouldn't tell me. I was in charge of girl names. So this little guy is gonna have to wait a little before we know." I sniffle, chuckling a little as he continues to poke his tongue out. I was so in love already.

"May we?" My smile falls as I look at her. I didn't want to let my baby go so soon. Seeing my distress she offers a small smile.

"We just need to do our routine tests to make sure he's absolutely healthy." She says softly. I hesitate but hand him over, my heart aching as he started wailing.

"Well escort you to your room. Daniel and your baby boy will be in there soon." I didn't want to leave them, tears falling down my cheeks as I glance between them... my baby and the love of my life.

"Can I please stay?" I plead, not wanting to leave either of them. The nurse sends me a pitiful look.

"I'm sorry but we really can't have you in here." I nod, unable to stop the tears as I get up and follow the nurse out. She had me change out of my scrubs before letting me walk back to the room.

I wipe my eyes, looking up at the small group of boys outside daniels room. Jack was looking through the window on the door, saying something to the others. Zach shrugs and Jonah sighs, running a hand through his hair before turning around. The second his eyes land on me his face falls.

"Corbyn?" Jack and Zach look over and I can't help but crumple to the ground, crying. Jonah quickly runs over, crouching down by me as pulls me to him.

"Corbyn- Corbyn look at me. What happened? What's going on?" I don't respond, weakly gripping his jacket as I sob.


hi! I most definitely cried writing this chapter and the next one

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hi! I most definitely cried writing this chapter and the next one. I was so excited for you guys to see it that I updated!!

hope you liked it (:

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