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I glance at Corbyn, biting my lip. We were gonna talk to Tyler about letting us share a room again. Jonah gave us space and stayed with Zach last night, much to my pleasure. We walk into the back room and up to my brother, Corbyn tapping his shoulder. Tyler looks between us before glaring at the blonde.

"What do you want?"

"We want to share a room again. Yesterday Daniel kind of panicked from not seeing me and got so worked up that he threw up. Tyler it's best if we stay together." I look at him hopefully, praying he agrees.

"No." My face falls as Corbyn's turns to one of anger.

"You're kidding right? He got so worked up he threw up Tyler! Do you not care about his health?" I glance between them as the other boys walk in, taking in the scene.

"You really think I believe that Corbyn? You're lying just to get with my brother. He's never thrown up over an attack." He spits. I could feel the tears well up as I looked at him. Corbyn notices, his face softening.

"Daniel baby..." I push him away from me before looking at Corbyn angrily.

"No!" He looks at me confused until I look at Tyler, my chest tightening.

"You a-always say you want what- what's best for me but you won't let me be happy!" I yell, sniffling. Tyler's face falls but hardens again.

"You can't guilt trip me Daniel." I couldn't take it. I needed Corbyn.

"Fuck you!" Everyone's eyes widen at my words before I leave the room. I run into mine and Jonah's dressing room, sobbing. I need Corbyn, I need Corbyn, I need Corbyn.

Tyler and Corbyn run into the room, their eyes landing on me. Just like in the hotel room, I could feel my stomach twist before I ran over to the trash can, dropping to my knees before hunching over it. I vomit, feeling a hand on my back.

"You're okay, baby I'm here." Corbyn says softly. I look up, still sobbing. Tyler was watching, worry on his face. I can't help but hunch over the trashcan again vomiting once more.

"Baby you need to calm down, you're too worked up." He says softly, wiping my mouth with a kleenex. He pulls me to him as I slowly calm down, becoming quite tired.

"Fine you guys can room together. I'm trusting you to be there for my brother. Don't let me down Besson." Tyler says, walking over to us.

"Are you okay Daniel?" He asks softly.

"I-I'm tired." I sniffle. He hesitates but nods.

"Limelight isn't for another couple hours. Go ahead and nap buddy." I look at him before hesitantly nodding. Corbyn helps me up and over to the couch, laying me down.

"Is there a blanket or something we can use? And god get that trashcan out of here." Corbyn grimaces. I frown, placing my hand on my tummy.

One of the stage crew hands the blonde a blanket, taking the trashcan out. He places the blanket over my body before kissing my head.

"Sleep love. I'll be here waiting." I whine but close my eyes, sleep enveloping my body fairly quickly.

I slept the whole two hours, not waking up until I felt someone nudging me gently.

"Dani baby it's time to wake up." He says softly. I slowly open my eyes, seeing the blonde with a mint lifesaver. I furrow my brows, glancing up at the blonde.

"Your toothbrush is at the hotel. I figured you'd want something before meet and greet." He says softly. I sit up, wincing as I rub my lower stomach.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yea I think I slept wrong. Um thanks." I say, taking the mint before yawning. I pop it in my mouth, grimacing as I chewed it. God I hated these.

"Let's go yea?" I nod, standing up. I look around tiredly before looking at the blonde.

"I'm still tired." I whine. He frowns.

"I know baby I'm so sorry. I would cancel the show if I could." He says softly, placing his hands on my waist. He goes to kiss me but pauses before kissing my cheek.

"I love you okay?" I nod, but don't smile as I grimace again, rubbing my lower tummy.

"My stomach is not very happy." I whine, leaning against the blonde. His frown deepens as he looks at me in worry.

"Baby if you need to sit out for meet and greet you can." I shake my head.

"No I can do this. I'm fine." I insist. He looks at me unsure but sighs.

"Okay. Let's go."


This is how I imagine daniel in the story FYI ^

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This is how I imagine daniel in the story FYI ^

Sooooo. Thoughts??

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