I spend the next hour calming Kara down. She finally settles down and falls into deep sleep in pure exhaustion. I’m happy that Sonny is in school so I won’t have to deal with his temper too.

I’m keeping my mind busy on other things than Freya’s disappearance when I hear a rumbling sound in the distance getting closer. I walk outdoors and gasp when I see a huge machine land outside the village. It is black and has white letters written on it; WSF. I have no idea what that even is.

A woman and three men jump out of the helicopter and most of the villagers comes out from their homes to see what’s going on.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” the stern woman says loud enough for everyone to hear. “I need to speak to your Alpha.”

“I am the Alpha,” Alpha Eon walks forward with a welcoming smile. “Welcome to Rosalea.”

“I am Mrs Denwood from the Werewolf Security Force,” the woman introduces herself. “I am looking for a man called John Moore?” 

“Is this about Freya?” I ask and run up to the newcomer. “Please tell me that she is alright!”

The other woman tilts her head to the side and evaluates me with one look that makes me feel uncomfortable.

“John Moore,” she says gritting her teeth and her eyes are flashing with anger.

“He left an hour ago by boat,” I admit and the other woman growl loudly.

“You three,” Mrs Denwood shouts to her men. “Follow his scent with the fastest boat on this Island. Do not come back without him.” She then turns to my Alpha with a snide grin. “We have the right to use any available equipment you have. It will be faster if you show them to the boat.”

She then turns back to me with a harsh glare and I wonder what I did to make her look at me like that.

“Yes?” I ask intimidated by her, knowing she wants something.

“Show me where John Moore lives.”

I nod and start walking back the few steps to my house and invite her into my home.

“Would you like some tea or something to eat?” I ask her politely.

“No,” she says and takes a good look around the kitchen. “How many live in this small house?”

“We are five,” I answer her offended. Our house isn’t that small!

She opens a door to one of the bedrooms and takes a good look inside of it. “I guess this is Freya’s room?”

“It’s not much, but it is hers,” I answer her weakly. “She never liked it anyway. She spent most of her time outdoors.”

“You can give it to one of your other children instead,” Mrs Denwood says and looks me into my eyes. “Neither Freya or John will come back to this place again.”

“What do you mean?” I ask tiredly. I just want to know what all this is about.

“It might be a shock for you so why don’t you sit down?”

We walk back to the kitchen and I take a seat on one of the old kitchen chairs. Mrs Denwood decides to stand and I sigh for myself.

“Please, just tell me, I beg her. I’ve been a wreck for days.”

“Freya’s real name is Kate Ray. She is now reunited with her family. John kidnapped her when she was five years old and almost managed to kill her identical sister. John is wanted for kidnapping and attempted murder on a child. The sentence for that crime is death.”

The world around me is spinning. I don’t doubt that every word of what she just said is true. Everything makes sense now; Freya’s behaviour and John’s escape. I feel sick and I clutch my chest.

I lived with Freya for so many years and acted as her mother when her mother is in fact alive and waiting for her to come home. Freya, no Kate, didn’t say a word about this. She didn’t say a single thing to her defence and didn’t trust me enough to tell me. That hurts the most. 

John fed us all with lies and the love I once felt for him is slowly replaced with hate. John will pay for what he did. He will pay with his own life.


Starley’s POV

My baby is home again.

My heart is thundering and I can barely believe that it finally came true. We missed so many years together. I cry inside when I think of all the days she spent away from me.

It’s early morning and Mitch is sleeping soundly next to me in the bed. I’m about to go out and meet Princess for our training session, but it is so hard to leave the bed every morning when I can snuggle up against my husband’s broad chest instead. I sigh deeply and lean down to give him a kiss. I then quietly jump out of the bed. He’s used to me getting up this early so he doesn’t wake up anymore.

I throw on my uniform and take a quick look in the mirror before using the bathroom.

Kate is not what I expected her to be. There’s something different about her but I can’t put my finger on what it is. She’s not like us. She’s one of a kind. Her body is too weak for a wolf, but still she was born as one. She can’t have Adhaerentia because her senses and her spirit are so strong and screams wolf long way.

Kate’s spirit keeps everyone constantly blocked out from her, but I can still use my motherly intuition. I was worried when she left the house in the middle of the night, but I have to remind myself that she is free and old enough to do what she wants to do. She’s not the five year old I picture inside my head when I think about her.

I reach the kitchen and set up her plate with a cookie on it and a glass of milk. Old habits die hard and I’m not sure I’ll be able to let go of this. Kate is used to receiving these too, so she will feel secure wherever she is.

I’m pretty sure where she is and I don’t like it one bit. The bond between Kate and Adam didn’t go unnoticed from me. I need to find him later for a talk. He better keep his paws off my daughter.

I inspect the herbs Kate brought with her. She made tea with them for Mary. A slight worry for Mary wakes up and I wonder if I should let the doctor make another health check on her. What did they miss earlier that Kate can see?

I know it is early in the morning but I can’t wait anymore. I lift the phone and call Gretel. She must have some kind of news for me.

“I’m awake,” she answers quickly on the other side. Her voice is tired and I guess she didn’t sleep at all.

“Did you get him?” The words rushes out from my mouth.

“Yes, he tried to escape but we caught up with him. I’m grilling him pretty badly.”

I almost crush the phone with anger. He’s so close, but still so far away.

“Gretel, make sure that I am the one to carry out his death penalty. I will beat him into bloody pieces.”

“He will get a fair trial. You need to bring Kate down too so she can confirm the accusation. The man is yours. I will not let another lay a hand on him.”

“Thank you,” I add before hanging up on her.

Killing John will not make me feel any better, but my wolf craves for his life as he took life from us. He stole Mary’s and Kate’s childhood. He deserves to be punished. He deserves to die. I deserve to take it from him.

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