Ultimate Comic Con Experience #23

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You are at Comic Con. It's the usual. Selfies with cosplayers and photo ops with celebrities. But are the cosplayers who they claim to be? (Turns into a mother daughter ish one shot at end). 

Finally, the day I have been waiting for since the start of the year has arrived! Comic con day! This morning I was so excited and got up an hour before my alarm and got ready for the day. Luckily, the venue wasn't too far away so that left me an hour to get my passes and my drawings I have done of my favourite characters. Those characters being, Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, Tony Stark aka the man who I don't even need to say his super hero name and last but not least, Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow! I have another one of my favourite villain, Loki.

I carefully place the drawings into a folder. These are my best works and I have tickets to meet each of these actors! Thankfully, I have a VIP pass so I can skip the queue unlike most of those suckers! Hehe! Anyway, in the last half hour, I did a double check that I had everything and made my way to the car. Hopefully parking won't be too much of an issue as I get earlier entry due to my pass.

When I arrive, there are barriers and flags indicating where to queue depending on your entry pass. VIP pass queue was near the main entrance, so, I walk in between the barriers and let the staff scan my ticket and they let me inside. But what excites me more than meeting the actors, is seeing some people cosplaying their characters! Not to mention how realistic some of these costumes are. I mean they could be real super heroes in disguise! That is how good some of their costumes are.

As I look around to see which cosplayer to get a selfie with first, I notice someone dressed up as my all time favourite super hero, Scarlet Witch! What makes this even more exciting is that no one ever dresses up as her. Instead, they usually go for the Black Widow. The two were stood next to each other. They were talking to each other and appeared to be watching people. Maybe they were acting to give it a more super hero vibe. But either way, it was weird yet cool. Of course, I got a selfie with both since I still had over an hour until my first photo op which by the way, is with Elizabeth Olsen! I am literally trying so hard not freak out right now!

Anyway, I see some other cosplayers. There was a group dressed up as each of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I have never seen that before and had to get a group selfie as well as individual ones with each of them. I gotta admit, this is turning out to be the best day ever! And to make it better, two guys dressed as Captain America and Iron Man approached me. "Hey kid, wanna selfie?" The 'iron' guy asked. Wow, the acting skills of all these cosplayers is off the charts this year! Like I said before, they could easily pass as the real thing. Also, it usually irritates me when people call me kid. I am 21 after all! But hey, this is comic con after all so I allowed it the one time. 

After the selfie with the Captain America and Iron Man cosplayers, I realised there is 20 minutes left until the first photo op starts. So, I made my way to where the queue is for Elizabeth Olsen. Surprisingly, I was first in the queue. I let the woman scan my ticket and told me to wait until it was time to go through. I looked behind me to see if anyone else had shown up, and the queue had grown massively.

I was so engrossed in my own thoughts and excitement of meeting Elizabeth Olsen that I almost didn't hear the woman who scanned my ticket say, "Okay you can go through now." Upon hearing this, my nerves began to grow. Scarlet Witch is my favourite super hero of all time and Elizabeth is my favourite actress so all I had to do was not embarrass myself. I stopped walking when I reached where the photo op is being held, waiting for the actress to show up.

As soon as the photo was taken, a quick greeting was exchanged as she was very busy. But I saw her whisper something to one of the workers and looked over at me causing me raise an eyebrow. The man she whispered to came over to me and said, "Miss, if you'd come with me." I looked back to the actress who just smiled at me. Weird, I thought quietly to myself but went along with it anyway.

The man brought me into a back room. "What am I doing in here? Am I in trouble or something?" I asked looking at him with utter confusion. "No, you are not in trouble. In fact, I have been searching for you for a long time." A new feminine voice spoke. I turned around to see the Scarlet Witch cosplayer from before. I'm beginning to get a little freaked out by the situation, and not the good type of freaked out mind you. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I questioned trying not to tremble when I talked. "I am the Scarlet Witch. And I am your mother." 

Ending this one here. I personally think this could make a really cool series! Better than most ideas I have had anyway or I can do one where reader has a Wanda figure that comes to life and she turns out to be your mother or something like that? Let me know what you thought. REQUESTS STILL OPEN! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now