Disney AU Part1 #32

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Wanda is your mother as well as your twin brothers aka Tommy and Billy. Wanda has alternated your lives so that you lives in a sort of Disney world. However, you were not affected by her mind control spell. To avoid your mothers suspicion, you go along with whatever goes on. Can you keep it up or will Wanda catch on?

A/N - Very muchly so inspired by WandaVision no spoilers in this though. 

After the events that followed when Thanos was defeated, my mother had gone completely insane. So insane that she actually alternated our reality. The only thing is, she thinks she has me and my twin brothers under mind control but I for some reason am not affected by her powers. For whatever reason, I was able to overcome her power. However, I don't let on because who knows what she'd do if she finds out. How has she alternated reality you ask? Well, I am about to tell you.

Everyone is dressed in costumes from Disney movies and to make it seem even more realistic, she gave the actual powers of the people dressed as the character to make it seem convincing that she has created a real-life Disney World. She's probably got them all mind controlled to make them talk and act like the Disney characters.

Today mother says we are to get ready for the day as 'Elsa and Moana' are coming over to 'hang out'. To avoid any suspicion, I do as she says, obviously Billy and Tommy obey anyway since they really are under the mind control spell as I already said. Anyway, 'Elsa and Moana' do come over for the day. Elsa shows off her 'ice magic' and 'Moana' takes us to a nearby beach and shows us that she is friends with the ocean. Don't get me wrong it was a blast but I just don't agree with mothers alternating reality. Oh, and my brothers got 'Li Shang' from the movie Mulan and 'Hercules' whom I don't need to state which movie he is from.

When the day is over and they both bid goodnight and leave, dinner appears on the table with just the click of her fingers. That one never fails to amaze me though. Burgers and fries for a change. I assume veggie burgers thought because mother is vegetarian and doesn't let us eat meat... if she's around anyway.

The meal goes on as usual... her asking us how our day went with 'Elsa, Moana + Li Shang' and 'Hercules', we all tell her what we did with them etc. and that is a typical meal as a family, at least in this new reality. After dinner, mother uses her powers to clean the dishes and put them away. Tommy and Billy play video games and I use this as a chance to figure out how I can escape this place and get help from Dr Strange. He's the only one powerful enough that is still alive that can help.

An hour or so passes and there's a knock on my door. My mother is the only one that knocks since my brothers are annoying and never knock. Quickly, I manage to hide any notes on my escape plans before she enters. "Billy's asked for you to play a game with them if you're interested." "What game?" I ask her trying to avoid any suspicion. This is a continuing job for me honestly. "Well, he's actually said you can choose this time." I raise my eyebrow. That's not like him and Tommy never would. So, she obviously mind controlled him into saying that. But I just say, "Oh okay, I'll err, head down. Just give me a few minutes." That must have convinced her I am still under her control as she left the room.

Now I just need to hide my notes properly so that she cannot find them. While I play the game with my brothers, I notice mother heads upstairs. At first, I don't think much of it. Not until my brothers are frozen and I am not. That can only mean one thing. "What the hell are these notes?" Oh no. I'm really in for it now. I thought I hid them well enough. Unless... unless she's been onto me for a while and finding those notes confirmed her theory. Crap, what happens now?

Ending this one here. Part 2 will be written soon. I still want to do a crossover with Once Upon A Time but not sure what plot to use. That'd be great with Wanda's powers every time everyone in OUAT loses their memories when they get back to Storybrooke. I feel like Wanda could be of much use to them and like I say, she needs to hear Snow White's speech of hope. Anyways, let me know what you thought of this one. REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN, JUST NO SONG FICS! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now