Soulmates Scientifically Explained #9

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You and Wanda stopped aging after you met. Little did you know there is a reason for this but it is not 100% the reason everyone thinks. 

(A/N - This one also probably sucks! I saw this prompt I think on tumblr and decided to give it a try with Wanda. Note I have never wrote a soulmate AU like this so bear with me.) 

Your POV: 

I am currently sat with the other Avengers in the lounging area of the tower. Nat is sat in between Bruce and Steve, Thor and Tony sat next to each other on the other sofa. That leaves me sitting next to Wanda. Now, what's different about Wanda is after we met, we both stopped aging. Nobody understands why because the others are still aging normally. Little do I know, things are about to change. Tony tells Thor about it and he says in response, "Ahh. They have stopped aging when they met. I have heard the legends about this on Asgard but never witnessed it. Not until now." "What do you mean Thor?" Wanda asks. I look over to her and she is just as curious as I am about this. 

Wanda POV: 

As soon as Thor said something about a legend on his home planet, I was rather intrigued to know what he was getting at. "Well Lady Wanda, what I mean is, on Asgard, there is a legend that when the universe was created, atoms were formed that eventually became humans. These individual atoms are drawn to another and when they meet, they stop aging." My eyes widened at this. Y/n spoke up. "So what you're telling me is that the reason me and Wanda have stopped aging when we met is because we're soulmates?" "Yes, that's what I just said." Thor said blankly. Both me and y/n looked at each other with shocked expressions. "Did you just scientifically explain soulmates?" Tony asked Thor who simply smirked and nodded. 

Your POV: 

I leaned over to Wanda and whispered, "Can we talk somewhere else in private about this?" She nodded and we went into her room. There was an awkward silence at first until she broke it. "Well, I guess that explains why I constantly feel attracted to you." She said which definitely shocked me, but in a good way. "Me too. So, what now?" I asked her unsure of what to do next. She seemed deep in thought for a moment which usually means she's trying to read someone's aka my mind. I can only assume to figure out what to do as well. 

Wanda POV: 

It took a few minutes until I decided to read y/n's mind to see if it would help as to what to do next. Unfortunately, she's as clueless as I am. Suddenly a different voice popped up, "What you two clueless idiots need to do now is kiss each other and go on a date." We both looked to my bedroom door which apparently was left open to find Tony smirking away. I simply rolled my eyes at him as he left. Then, I turned my attention back to y/n. It took a lot to muster up any courage I had to take a step closer to close the gap in between us and hesitantly placed my hands on her hips and slowly leaned in, only stopping to wait for permission to kiss her. 

Your POV: 

When Wanda closed the gap and began to leap in, my heart was skipping at least eight beats per second. She hovered over lips and I knew she wanted me to confirm it was okay. So, I gently connected our lips together. It wasn't a deep passionate kiss. It was quick and sweet. "I've been waiting to do that for so long." She said with a smile on her face which caused me to smile back. "So, we should start planning that first date then?" I questioned. She responded with a chuckle and we began planning for our first date. 

Ending this one here.  Let me know how I did and don't forget to vote! Any requests that will be sent over the next few days, I will begin writing again as of now! So let me know if you want to request anything! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant