The Necklace #13

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What happens when Wanda has to retrieve an object that you stole from S.H.I.E.L.D and your necklaces begin to glow? What could it mean, are you going to opt out of your mission?  (Soulmate AU)

Everyone at birth is given a necklace. Once it has been placed around that persons neck, it can never be taken off. Now, the legend behind these necklaces is that it will glow if your soulmate is near. And when you meet your soulmate, they glow so bright it is blinding. However, that is not the only thing. To avoid confusion if several glow at once, the necklace is magnetic but will only pull towards that persons soulmate. And this is how you met your soulmate. 

Flash Back 

You had managed to get onto S.H.I.E.L.D's radar by stealing something from them. Fury had sent Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch out to retrieve that said object by any means necessary. So, when she found you, she realised her necklace had started glowing as you did yours. Suddenly, you both began to feel the magnetic pull towards each other. That was when Wanda realised you were each other's soulmates.  At that point she stopped using her powers against you. But she knew she still needed to retrieve the object you had stolen. 

Wanda pondered for a few seconds on how to get you stop whatever mission is it you are doing. "Look, if you give me that USB, you can come back with me and we can talk to Fury into recruiting you. I mean you obviously have skills to be an Avenger if you're able to fight me with my powers." She told you. You stood still for a moment letting her words sink into your brain. 'Hmm, maybe working for S.H.I.E.L.D is better than working for Hydra. And the necklaces clearly state we are soulmates.' You thought to yourself. However, you weren't about to let her know what you were thinking. 

"And how do I know that you're just gonna have me arrested if I go back with you?" You said trying to stall. Wanda just looked at you as though you were being stupid, which of course she'd be right. "You do realise I can read minds right and I know exactly what you're thinking?" She told you. "And if I wanted to arrest you, I'd have done it by now." She continued. You nod your head in agreement. "Okay fine. I'll go back with you but I'm holding onto this until I know you're not pulling any stunts on me." You said showing her the USB as you placed it in your most secure pocket of your jacket. 

Time Skip 

Once you had both got back to S.H.I.E.L.D, Wanda took you straight to Fury. Thankfully, he was in his office. When he saw the two of you, he realised you were both stood close together and both your necklaces were glowing. "Ah, I see you're soulmates. And if I am correct Wanda, you persuaded her to come back with the USB in the hopes of recruiting her as an Avenger?" He questioned. "That is what I was hoping yes. And I can help her change her motives and missions in general." She said to him. "Well, if you're certain she'd make a suitable member of the Avengers, then I'll get Stark to set her up a room in the tower." Wanda smiled, "Thank you Fury." "Don't thank me. You better hope your friend here pulls through. Oh and one more thing. I'll take that USB back now." 

You raised your eyebrow as to how he knew your name but didn't question it and gave him the USB. As the days went on, you managed to change your motives and began helping the Avengers on missions. Eventually, you and Wanda became a couple after a bad mission, lets just say that was the reason you became 100% devoted to the Avengers. You were glad your life had changed for the better. 

Ending this one here. Okay, so not happy with how I ended so if anyone can suggest a better ending, I'm all ears. But let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! Requests still open! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now