Handprint On My Heart #6

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You have a red glowing handprint on your heart.  Read to find out what happens when you two are introduced to Wanda. (Soulmate AU)

F/C = Favourite Colour

Your POV: 

It wasn't long after I arrived at the Avengers tower that my now fellow Avengers introduced me to Wanda Maximoff. Now there's probably something I should mention. Everyone has a handprint somewhere on their body. It is the symbol of their soulmate. Everyone has their own specific colour and they glow. It only stops glowing when their soulmate touches the handprint. Mine in this case glows a red colour and is on my heart. I always wondered who my soulmate was and why mine was in that specific place. But that all became clear when I met Wanda. 

Wanda POV: 

I had entered the lounging area which is where Bruce told me to meet them. Apparently we have a new member to the team and they are female, thankfully. When the others came into the room, I stood up from the sofa and greeted them. Then I saw her. The most stunning person I have ever laid eyes on. I then began to wonder if she could be the one to make the handprint on my shoulder stop glowing. I walked over to her and greeted her. "Hi. You must be y/n. I'm Wanda." A sudden clap of hands made me jump a little. "Well, we're going to leave you two to get to know one another." Stark said as they all made their way out of the room. I raised my eyebrow in question but didn't say anything. 

Your POV: 

After the others left, there was an awkward silence for a few moments. "So, do you mind telling me how you became one of us?" Wanda asked me trying to break the silence. "You're the one that can read minds right?" I asked in response. "Yeah." "Can't you do that and see for yourself?" Her right eyebrow was still raised. "Is it to painful to talk about or something?" "That depends on what you class as painful." I simply told her. She sighed and agreed. Then, she motioned me to go towards the sofa and we both sit down. 

Wanda POV: 

I looked into y/n's mind and what I saw was definitely nothing I expected. It seemed as though she was in what looked like a Hydra base. They were forcing her to eat something. Only, when she did, it began having a negative effect on her, making her extremely ill. Another scene began to play and it looked like she was able to have a conversation with an animal. A lion to be exact. A final scene showed y/n controlling the lion to attack the Hydra officers and workers when the other Avengers entered the base. It was then I snapped back to reality. I looked towards her. "You were experimented on to?" She nodded. "I'm sorry." I told her and placed my hand on her heart. 

Your POV: 

As soon as Wanda placed her hand on my heart, I could feel the magic of the glowing handprint fade. I wasn't sure if she felt it too because she seemed confused all of a sudden. "Did you feel that to?" I asked. "I did. Does that mean..." "That you're my soulmate? I guess it does Wanda. I guess it does." I said with a smile. She smiled back and cuddled into me. As I tried to get comfy, I accidentally put my hand on her shoulder only to realise that she had a (f/c) glowing handprint there. That also began to fade. "Does this mean we're each others soulmates then?" She asked hopefully. "Yeah it does." She then leaned towards me and pressed her lips against mine. "Well, in that case, would you be willing to go on a date with me y/n?" "Read my mind." I told her with a smile and she did. She smiled at me again. "I'll let you decide on what we can do for our first date." I told her. She kissed my cheek and cuddled back into me and we remained like this for quite some time. 

Ending this one here. I thought the handprint soulmate AU was a cute idea that I made up. Let me know if you want a part 2 where they go on a date! Also I got the title idea from the song called For Good by the musical, Wicked. If any of you got that reference, I praise you! I also didn't originally plan for readers backstory to turn out how it did. But it could give me ideas for part 2? Don't forget to vote and REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now