Mission Mishap #10

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You were transformed into a puppy during a mission. What happens when you get back to the Avengers tower? Is there anything anyone can do to transform you back? Wanda also questions how she will look after you as a puppy. 

(A/N - I've had to change the POV for this one to make it work. I hope it has and I loved writing it. Thought it was such a cute idea!)

It all began when you entered the Quinjet with Natasha, Steve and Wanda after a mission. You watched the others sit down on the seats and wondered what you were supposed to do. "I can't believe y/n got turned into a Siberian Husky! And a puppy to make things worse." Wanda said and covered her face in the palm of her hands and sighed in frustration. "What am I supposed to do with her?" She asked the other two. "It's simple. She's your girlfriend. You take care of her." Natasha told her as though it should have been obvious. The only thing to interrupt their conversation was you crying. Wanda sighed again and lifted you onto her lap where you immediately curled up into a ball. "I think you got this." Steve told her. 

Time Skip 

When you all got back to the Avengers tower, Wanda went straight to Bruce's lab along with Steve. "Hey Bruce, you got a minute?" Steve asked him. "Sure what's up? Cute puppy Wanda, not sure if Tony will let you keep it though." "Well he's going to have to because this puppy is y/n believe it or not." She told him firmly. Bruce laughed a little before calming down. "So I am guessing you want me to come up with a serum to change her back?" Bruce asked as he stroked you. Wanda nodded at him. "Alright, I've never seen a serum to change someone from animal back to human, or the other way round as a matter of fact so, it may take some time. "Thanks Bruce." Wanda told him and smiled at Steve before walking out with you trailing behind her. 

Wanda decided the two of you should head back to your shared room of the tower. Judging by how you yawned, she knew you must be tired. What with the mission and being turned into a puppy. She did admit, she thought you were adorable as a little husky. When you both got to your room, you attempted to jump onto the bed but unfortunately being a puppy meant you were too small. Wanda chuckled slightly and lifted you up. You licked her hands to show her you were grateful and curled up into a ball. Wanda gently stroked you and got ready for bed herself as it was almost 9.45pm. 

Time Skip

You woke up and was dark indicating it was still night time. But that didn't matter to you as you needed to go to the bathroom. You also knew that was going to be difficult in the form you are currently in. As much as you didn't want to wake Wanda, you had to. Eventually she began to stir, "What's going on?" You cried into her ear until she sat up. "What's wrong y/n?" She asked as she turned a lamp on. You jumped down from the bed but the jump was bigger than you thought and landed with a thud. "Are you okay?" She asked you worriedly. The hard landing on the ground didn't bother you. You ran straight to the bathroom door and began scratching at it. That was when Wanda realised what you wanted. She got dressed and told you to follow her outside and you obeyed without hesitation. 

After you had done your business outside, you followed Wanda back to your room. However, on your way up, Tony caught you. "Why is there a puppy in the tower? You are aware of the strictly no animals policy, right Wanda?" He questioned. "The puppy is actually y/n so you can't get rid of her. It's a long story, I'm too tired to explain it now. But Bruce is working on a serum to transform her back." Wanda told him. Tony simply laughed in response. "I gotta say though, y/n makes a better puppy than person." He said to her as he scratched your belly and took a few photos. "You do know y/n will not appreciate those pictures if you show them to her." Wanda warned him. "Eh, I'll take my chances." He said shrugging it off and went back to his lab. Wanda shook her head and you both went to your rooms without any interruptions. 

Time Skip 

The next day rolled around and being a husky pup, you woke fairly early wanting food. You wandered over to Wanda who was still soundly asleep and gently nudged her with your nose. "Y/n go back to sleep, it's too early." Your girlfriend mumbled. You then had an idea to grab the duvet with your teeth, careful not to nip her and pull it off her. "Alright, alright! I'm up." She whined. You wagged your tail in response as she got showered and ready for the day. 

As soon as she was ready, you walked behind her towards the kitchen. Wanda realised there was no dog food, so she googled what was healthy enough to feed you. She came up with the option of scrambled eggs. Once they were done, she put it in a bowl that was placed on the floor for you and you ate happily. Wanda put the eggs she made for herself on a plate and wandered over to the sofa in the living area. It didn't take long for you to finish your meal and when you did, you trotted over to her and lay on the floor beside her. 

After breakfast, Wanda got a phone call from Bruce. "Hey Bruce, did you find something?" She asked him. This caused your ears to perk up. "Maybe, bring her over to my lab now!" He told her over the phone and that is exactly what Wanda did. 

Once you both got to his lab, Bruce told Wanda, "Since she's a pup, the serum will have to be injected into her." "Is it safe? Also y/n has never liked needles, so good luck there." Wanda said. Bruce shrugged in response. "Just place her on this table. That way, she can't escape." And so she placed you on the table. She held you in place when you saw the needle in Bruce's hand. 

You whimpered and cried and tried to pull away from Wanda to get away but she had a firm grip on you. Your cries turned into howls when you were injected with the serum. As soon as the needle was out, Bruce watched in anticipation. "Did I mix the ingredients wrong by mistake?" He questioned himself. As if on cue, a (f/c) light shimmered around you. It became blinding for Wanda and Bruce so they didn't know what was going on. However, when the light faded, they realised you were back to human again and unconscious. Bruce turned away when he realised you were completely naked. Wanda placed you on a chair and wrapped a blanket around you. "I'll err, go get her clothes. I'm assuming I can trust you while I am gone?" He nodded and went back to his work in the room. 

When Wanda came back, she put the clothes on you just as you began to wake. "Ugh what happened?" You groaned. "For now, let's just say you weren't yourself for the last day or two." You raised your eyebrow at Wanda wanting real answers and boy were you going to get them later, and most likely of Tony instead of her. 

Ending this one here. Sorry it's mega long but I loved this idea I had and wanted to write it as well as I could. Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! Requests are still OPEN! :)

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