Hunger Games AU #21

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You along with Wanda, your girlfriend and the other Avengers have mysteriously been placed in the Catching Fire version of the Hunger Games arena. Will you manage to get to the cornucopia and retrieve your desired item and escape? Or will someone kill you first?

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the seventy fifth Hunger Games begin!" The voice of the announcer hammered my ears. I have less than a minute to get my bearings. Then the gong will sound and the tributes will be free to move off their metal plates. But move where?

I can't think straight. Images of me being thrown into a portal was the last thing I remember. I need to remember what happened! I look around me to see who the other tributes were. On my left, Tony Stark. On my right, Steve Rogers. And on the other plates were the others. Thor, Hulk, Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Vision and others. But the one that draws my attention is Wanda.

I want to collapse on my metal plate but I can hardly do anything knowing I can't even remember how or why we ended up in the Hunger Games world. Hold on, the Hunger Games is based on a movie which are based on books. This is an alternate universe. Maybe what happens to them doesn't actually happen in real life?

Slowly my world comes into focus. Blue Water. Pink sky. White-hot sun beating down. I saw the cornucopia ahead of me. As I examine what appeared to be an island, I see the thin strips of land radiating from the circle like spokes on a wheel. I think there are ten to twelve, and they seem equidistant from one another. Between the spokes, all is water. Water and a pair of tributes.

Beyond the water, wherever you look, a narrow beach and then dense greenery. If I can make it to that greenery, I will be in my element then. But for now, I need to search for ways to get to the cornucopia. Unfortunately, there is only one. The gong sounds and I dive into the water. It was freezing against my skin but that is the least of my concerns right now.

I pull myself, dripping wet onto the land strip and sprint to the cornucopia. It was filled with things that would attract everyone. A shield decorated like the American flag, a suit made of iron in red and gold, bow and arrow, stingers which I remembered were Natasha's weapon of choice. There was a bunch of stuff there to attract everyone. But what drew me in, was my sword. Sure, it looks like a sword but in fact it can do many things. It helps me control my ice powers.

The supplies were spread out quite a distance over the cornucopia, leaving the best or most valuable weapons and gadgets in the centre. I surveyed the items in search of mine. It was slightly further out than the rest. However, as I reached to grab it, red wisps were sent my way causing me to fall backwards. Why doesn't anyone besides me remember who we really are? This is the only thing I can think.

I quickly grabbed the sword and used my powers to teleport to another part of the arena. When the snow had died off, I managed to look at where I am now. Snow fell from the grey sky. It is only then that I realised it is winter. But it was scorching hot a few seconds ago. It didn't make any sense. Not only that, Wanda who is supposed to be my girlfriend attacked me! I need to find whoever did this to us and stop them before everyone is killed. Sure, I wonder if the same thing will happen to us our actual world but I don't want to risk that!

The snow suddenly picked up. Great. A blizzard. Just what I need. I may have the power to control winter but because I didn't start this blizzard, I can't stop it. Suddenly, a loud growl caught my attention. If I can't stop the blizzard, I can certainly slow it down to see what I am up against!

I raise my hands up in the air and think of anything to calm my thoughts. I can feel the magic working as the blizzard calms down. Once it did, I look up and my eyes widened at what I saw. A snow leopard! And not just one of them. There was three. I get into a defensive position, sword at the ready. I am quite capable of hand to hand combat but that might not be the best idea against three snow leopards.

Ending this on a cliff hanger. I will let you guys decide if I should make this into a series when I have finished working on a few other Wanda series. This is primarily based on the scene in Hunger Games, Catching Fire where they enter the arena. So, let me know what you thought and if it makes sense or not! Don't forget to vote! Requests still open! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now