Found #11

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Requested by SkyDragonHeaven

Y/S/N = Your siblings name 

You and your twin had been left to struggle to survive on your own after the snap at only 13 years old. What happens when Wanda and Natasha come across you both? Will you trust them or use your powers to fight them off? (Wanda did not vanish after the snap in this.)

(Warnings: Angst, homeless I guess, orphaned, death) (A/N - Note, this is the first proper angst I've ever done so apologies if any errors. 

It had been a long day for you and (y/s/n). You had both struggled to survive after the Thanos' snap. Your parents were one of the many fallen and since then, you had become extremely protective of your twin. You were the one to protect them since you had the ability to weld light magic. It was a gift you were born with and had managed to fight off several bad people with it. 

Right now, you were currently in an alley cuddled into (y/s/n) trying to keep them warm with your powers. One advantage was that you never felt the cold and could try to keep them warm as best as you can. As you remained hidden, you and your twin spoke about times before the snap. That was when two women had caught on there was someone in the alley. 


Wanda and Natasha were heading back to the tower after a girls day out. As soon as they passed the alley, Wanda could suddenly hear someone's thoughts. 'I hope no one finds us here.' 'We will be safe here if no one does.' Wanda stopped, letting curiosity get the better of her. "What is it Wanda?" Natasha asked her. The witch turned around and slowly made her way to the alley you and (y/s/n) were in. Natasha followed her, gun at the ready just in case. But what they saw left them disheartened but also slightly confused. 

As you and your twin spoke to each other, another voice made you snap your gaze towards the intruder. You stood in front of (y/s/n) protectively. Your hands silently clapped together and lifted them slightly apart and from it, light magic appeared. Wanda and Natasha looked at each other knowingly. Wanda was about to take a step closer to you but you shot your magic towards her. 

"Stay away from us." You yelled trying to make yourself look bigger, although being only 13 didn't really help. Wanda on the other hand managed to use her own powers to deflect yours and send it towards the sky. "Look kid, we just want to help. We don't want to hurt either of you." Wanda said as gently as she could. "How do I know you want to use my powers for evil?" Natasha jumped in, "Because we are the Avengers. You ever heard of us?" You nodded. "Good, can we bring you to the tower?" She continued. You look towards your twin who nodded in response. "Okay." You said, barely audible for Natasha to hear. 

After that, you helped (y/s/n) stand up and followed the two women to the Avengers tower. "What are your names by the way? Mine is Wanda and this is Natasha." You were hesitant to answer but if they were going to help you, you should probably co-operate with them. "Y/n l/n and this is my twin (y/s/n)." You told her. "Well, you are both safe now and don't have anything else to worry about." As you both walked with them, that statement from Natasha somewhat comforted you and (y/s/n). You thought quietly to yourself, 'Maybe things will change for the better.' 

Ending this one here. To the person that requested this, I'm not sure if I changed anything, if I did I hope it's not much. But anyways let me know what you all thought and don't forget to vote! Requests are still OPEN! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now