Flying Through Amnesia Final Part #40

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This is the final part of this mini one shot series. Wanda wants to redo your first date in the hopes you will remember your relationship with her. Will it help? (Please read part1 to understand this!)

A/n - Sorry if this seems kinda cliché, I ran out of ideas for this and wrote what came to mind. 

After mom left me to go about my business, I did everything I could to try and remember any possible scenarios that could have led us getting together. But nothing works so I'll have to do what mom said and spend time with her. A knock suddenly sounded at the door. "Come in." I spoke. I watched the door knob turn and wondered who it could be. It wouldn't be mom since she's not long left the room. It was Wanda which was handy since I was about to go and find her anyway. Though she was acting rather awkwardly. Then again, it's probably just as awkward for her as it is me.

"Hey, what's up?" I said breaking the awkward silence. "I spoke with your mom. She says you remember pretty much everything." Something tells me she knows I don't remember our relationship yet. Hopefully that will change soon because I would like to remember how we ended up together. "You know your thoughts are really loud." Oh yeah, she can read minds. Meh oh well. "But it does make me happy you're willing to try and remember us." I say nothing but simply smile at her response. "Answer me this question first. How did we end up together?" She then sits on the bed and pats it wanting me to sit down next to her. So, I do.

"It began when the entire team fought one another at the airport in Germany. We took different sides which meant we also argued while everyone else attacked each other. I didn't want to hurt you though. Then you did the one thing I never saw coming. You defied your mother and in response she tried to attack me so my natural reaction was to send an energy blast at her. She was fine don't worry.-" "Okay but why would I defy her to join your side?" I asked interrupting her. "Well, after we retreated, you were the one who told me that you loved me. I think you can figure out the rest."

Dang, just like what mother told me it was a lot to take in. Only this time, I don't get any flashbacks of what happened. So, I am still clueless about it all. "Okay, so what was our first real date?" I asked. Maybe if I keep asking, something will trigger and I will remember. "We hired a power boat on a reservoir. You drove and capsized a few sail boats. Even though they thought you were a jerk, I thought it was it hilarious as it was such a harmless act. But it was seeing you laugh that made me realise that I felt the same way and it was after that we became official." "Was that when we had our first kiss, assuming we have kissed?" I question scratching the back of my head awkwardly. She smiled nervously, "Yes, we did. And I was wondering if you'd be up for going through those experiences again to see if it helps you remember? The date part not the fighting part." She still seemed nervous but I just couldn't say no for some reason so I said yes.

After that, Wanda teleported us to a reservoir, I'm assuming the same one from our first date that I have no memory of. We then went to the reception area or whatever it was called and she got a boat. "It's the exact same powerboat from our date." We managed to get the boat onto the water and we both got in. Luckily, I remember how to drive one of these.

The only time I stopped the engine was when we reached the centre of the reservoir. Wanda raises her eyebrow. "Why did you stop?" She asks curiously. "You can read my mind. What am I thinking?" Her face wrinkles in concentration for a moment. "You're wondering if re enacting our first kiss will help you remember." She answers and her eyes widen slightly. "Only if you're comfortable with it. I mean even if I don't remember, no harm done right?" I said to her. She doesn't say anything but slowly leans towards me. Within a few seconds, her lips were connected to mine and in an instant the flashbacks began and I remembered everything! She must have known I remembered because she pulled away smiling at me. "You really remember?" She asks hopefully. "I do." I answered and pulled her in for another kiss. Getting my memories back fully is definitely a memory I don't want to forget!

Ending this one here. I honestly feel this could have gone better but I needed to update so I rushed it in the end as well so apologies. Anyways, let me know what you all thought of this. Requests are OPEN FOR NOW! I may close them soon, so any requests you want send in asap! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt