A Valentine's Day Special #29

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It is Valentine's Day and your girlfriend has something special planned which sends you going to various places with the knowledge of a few notes. 

A/N - The poem I used is based off 'She Walks In Beauty' by Lord Byron (George Gordan). Also a day before Valentine's but hey who cares. 

I wake up after sleeping right through the night which was nice since it rarely happens. Wanda, my girlfriend stayed with me last night  which is why I am surprised to find she's no longer in here. After rubbing my eyes to be rid of any sleep, I notice a note on the bed next to me. This is what it read:

'She walks in beauty, Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright, Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus, mellowed to that tender light, Which heaven to gaudy day denies.'

This can only mean one thing. Wanda wants me to meet her at the rooftop of the tower where we sometimes watch the stars and the moon can brighten up the darkness of the outdoors. I stretch and get showered and change into a pair of blue skinny jeans/jeggings (depending what you call them) and a smart navy-blue shirt with a vest top underneath. It is valentine's day after all, want to look my best for today and Wanda did tell me last night before falling asleep she has something special planned but wouldn't tell me anything else. Anyway, I reach the rooftop ten minutes later expecting to find her, only she was not there. There was only another note on a bench. It's a miracle the wind hasn't blown it away. This is what the next note read:

'One shade the more one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace, Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express, How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.'

This second note is trickier than the first. The raven suggests a bad omen but their dwelling-place? Could she mean the place we usually hang out when we have no missions? Or the first time I saw her upset because she thought herself a monster? That was in her room so that probably wouldn't be right. And I remember that day. I held her for quite some time until she calmed down. But in terms of the main place, we hang out is a café nearby called Ancient Grounds. Maybe she wants me to go there.

When I got there, you guessed it, she was not. However, the woman at the till seemed to know who I was and for some reason handed me a basket of goods. And then the woman handed me a note. The third one of the day. Here is what the third note read:

'And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent.'

Hmm, Wanda really is testing me here isn't she. The one line to catch my attention is a mind at peace with all below. I know for a fact Wanda likes to spend time watching the sunset on a hill not too far away from the Avengers Tower. It is also the place we had our first date. It is also the one place we both feel at peace. More so than watching the stars on the rooftop of the tower. I guess that is where I ought to go.

Roughly twenty minutes later, I arrive at the top of the very hill near the tower and this time, Wanda was indeed there in her signature long red leather jacket. I take a moment to see that she has a blanket laid out on the lush green grass and a candle at each corner of the blanket. She's sitting on the blanket smiling at me. "I err, got the basket with the food and (favourite drinks)." "I can see that." She says still smiling and gets up and joins her hands with mine and guides me over to sit down with her.

After we ate the food which as usual is never a disappointment from Ancient Grounds, we cuddled up together and Wanda put some peaceful music on with her phone. "Y/n?" Wanda said as I lifted my head from her shoulder. "The notes I made; I do believe every word is true about us." "How do you mean?" I ask unsure of what she was trying to say. "I mean we have both gone through good and bad times. You were one of the few to convince me I am not a monster and it was after our first date here that we both began to feel generally happier. That was nearly three years ago." As she's talking, she goes to pull something out of the inside pocket of her coat. "Y/n L/n. Will you do the honour of marrying me?"

My eyes widen at her question as she kneels down on one knee holding the box with a silver ring and a hopeful expression plastered on her face. Shock and happiness consumes me and I am utterly speechless. Though she begins to look worried and I realise I should probably give her an answer. "Yes." I say and a smile appears on both of our faces. "Really?" She questions with both hopefulness and happiness. I simply nod my head in response and grab a hold of her coat and bring her closer to me and kiss her. The best Valentine's Day ever! 

Ending this one here. Not sure what to make of this one, if it's any good or not. Anyways, is anyone interested for a Wanda one shot crossed over with Once Upon A Time? I feel like Wanda needs to hear one of Snow's speeches about hope. Anyways, let me know what you thought. Requests are OPEN! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now