Distracted On First Mission - Long Fic Sneak Peak #43

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This is a sneak peak to a long story I am writing where you are the daughter of Wanda and Natasha. You have the ability to transform into a red fox which is useful for stealth missions which you are finally allowed to go on. However, your life changes when you decide to sneak off during the mission. Will this lead to serious danger or something better? 

A/N - I highly recommend you watch this video I have attached for this to make sense! Dw it's only six minutes long. And it's a really good short film! 

After years of hard work, I finally managed to persuade my parents to allow me to go on a mission with them. As you've probably guessed, my parents are Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch and Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow. However, there is something you should know. Unlike my younger twin brothers, Tommy and Billy, I am adopted and part of me wanting to go on a mission is to hopefully find out who my birth parents really are.

Currently, I am walking through a forest with my mother (Wanda) keeping an eye out for any enemies while my mom (Natasha) gathers intel from a suspected Hydra base nearby. So far, we have not seen a single person. Which is probably a good thing because right now I am slightly distracted. Why you ask? Well, there are many things flying around that look like fireflies, only they do not appear to be fireflies. Not unless this is a mutant type of fireflies or something. For these are bright blue and swirl around like little balls of magic.

While watching them fly around, one of them begins to whiz around me like it is full of energy. Oh, another thing I almost forgot to mention, I am a shapeshifter but the only animal I can change into is a red fox. That is what I am right now. My thoughts become distracted once more when the magical blue firefly creature moves so I am looking directly in front of me then flies further into the forest. Something tells me it wants me to follow it. I look back at my mother who is fixated on looking out for enemies or to be more accurate, mom coming back. She's too distracted to notice me. I don't even think she's bothering to read my mind at the minute. So, I take it as an opportunity to sneak off and follow that magical blue firefly.

Further into the woods I went until a strange white glow came from a nearby lake in which the firefly led me to. However, when I wandered around a fallen tree trunk to get to the lake, my ears immediately went back and I jumped slightly at the sight of a wolf. He glared at me but remained sitting at the edge of the giant lake. He didn't seem like he was going to attack so I hesitantly wandered over and sat next to him and listened to what was going on.

"What have you done to our lake?" Asks a ram that I didn't notice was there. I looked around to find out who he was talking too. Then, out on the lake is the source of the strange white glow. It was a human or at least a sloth that took the shape of a human. He was all white. Even his cloak was white. He held in his hand, a staff and the orb on top was in the shape of a quarter moon. Then the odd white sloth human speaks. "You know me. I am the moon and I have come to ask for your help." Oh, and before I continue telling you what this guy who claims to be the moon says, the water is no longer water. Instead, it is a hard black surface with white lines with circles on them here and there.

"I've come to ask for your help in lighting up the night sky." He continues. The bear speaks up, "Why would we do that?" The moon swiftly moves his staff upwards and the quarter moon orb began to glow a blue colour. An image of the sun appeared. "I am not as strong as the sun. I wax and I wane." Then he shows the moon going from full to half to completely vanishing along with a few animals' underneath. "And you are cast into darkness. If you join me, you'll help the nocturnal." He continues as a full blue moon appeared with magnificent artwork that can only be described as stars. I've heard of them but they died out many years ago. All that remains is the moon and sun to light up the sky. "People will also tell stories about you for generations to come." Images of people looking through telescopes and just casually looking up at the night sky as if telling stories appeared in an outline of blue.

After that, the magic from the staff went back inside it and all the other animals seemed to think about what he said. But before I could speak up first, the blue magic fireflies appeared once more but surrounded me. It wasn't threatening in anyway. In fact, it was such a peaceful scene and I admired how they floated around so elegantly. There wasn't lots either, just a couple. Enough so I would want to play with them. The only thing to distract me was the ram asking, "How do we help?" "Come forward and you will see."

And so, the ram does indeed step forward onto the black surface that was once water of the lake. "Place your hoof on the white circle." The moon tells him and the ram follows his instructions. Only, when he did, his body turned black, his hooves turned gold as did his horns which also grew and curled around more. It was magnificent. Even the other animals seemed excited by this. Then the ram ran up into the sky and transformed into a constellation of stars. The bear was next, and soon enough the others followed and they all became their own constellation of stars!

I was the last one left sitting by the lake and I decided it was my turn to help. I ran out and placed my paw on one of the many circles. My eyes widen in confusion and I raise my eyebrow and tilt my head slightly. Maybe it's because one of the animals used this one. So, I decided to try another one. Nothing. I tried a few others and eventually gave up. I sat back down and laid my ears back sadly knowing I wouldn't be able to help the moon.

The Moon's voice sounded much nearer when he spoke. "What's wrong y/n?" "You know my name?" I question. "Of course. I know you. When there's trouble, you're there to help the animals when you're not on missions with the other Avengers. I also understand you seek the identity of your birth parents." "Do you know who they are?" I ask hopefully. "Only you can find that out for yourself. But you didn't answer my question." My ears still laid back; I hang my head in shame. "All I wanted was to help and become a star like everyone else. Even my family are all stars. At least to the other humans." I sighed and stopped talking. "Well, whoever said you could only become a star?"

One of the magical blue fireflies flew in front of me capturing my attention. I stared at it in awe and then it flew off. Something inside compelled me to follow it. Something about it would change my life forever. And I was right. All the fireflies landed on the black surface and the white lines with circles became a full white surface. No more black. I wondered what would happen if I placed my paw on it. Surprisingly, my whole body turned white except the tip of my tail which was a mixture of blue and green. The moon motioned me to run into the sky just like the other animals and without hesitation, I do as he says. Maybe this is how I find out who my parents are. 

Ending this here as that is the first chapter. Let me know if I should finish this and make it an official long story. Don't forget to VOTE as every VOTE helps me decide whether to do this. :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now