Visiting Storybrooke Part1 #33

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Wanda is your girlfriend and you have been on the run since the fight with the Avengers at the airport. Your mother Regina Mills wants you home. You bring Wanda with you and decide it is best to avoid your mother since she isn't happy with all the accord stuff etc. What is Wanda's reaction when she enters the small town and finds out fairy tale characters actually exist?

A/N - This is a Once Upon A Time crossover! So it probably won't make sense unless you've seen both. And I've not watched the show properly for a while so there maybe a few errors. Hopefully there isn't though, I also don't proofread/edit. 

Me and my girlfriend have been on the run ever since we joined Captain America's team and fought the other Avengers. Right now, we sit on a sofa in our hotel room. Nothing fancy, just somewhere to keep a roof over our heads but still liveable. It was also this very morning I got a call from my mother. Apparently, she has been watching me through the mirrors and knows what has been going on through talking about the airport fight. She says, "Y/n, it is time you come home. This Avenger stuff is way too dangerous. More dangerous than Storybrooke actually. I want no arguments." I roll my eyes and hang up the phone.

A knock at the door sounds and Wanda gets up from the sofa to answer it. It is the pizza we ordered. A cheese pizza between us. Anyway, as we eat, Wanda asks, "So, who called you?" "My mother." She raises her eyebrow. Of course, she would, she doesn't know who my mother really is and I blocked her from my mind so no one from home would be put in danger. Not that I don't trust her it's more of a hazard. Everyone in Storybrooke is careful about their identities in the real world.

"Your mother? But you always refuse to talk about her." Another reason for that. My mother is the Evil Queen or was anyway which also makes Henry Mills my step brother. "Well, she knows about the fight with the other Avengers and thinks I should sign the accords and come home." "Where is home?" Do I answer her question or not? Maybe I should and bring her with me. "A small town in Maine that can only be accessed by certain people and even then, sometimes there is no way to get in or out. So, want to see where I am from?" She nods and I say, "Well, then let's go."

I take out a magic bean in my hand and throw it out the window and all I have to do now is hold onto Wanda and think of Storybrooke. Home. As soon as she takes my hand, she practically clings onto me for her life so I guess I have to jump for the both of us.

We both go through a portal and find ourselves outside the library underneath the clock tower. "Where are we?" Wanda asks looking around. "This is Storybrooke. A forgotten corner of Maine to keep us all protected." "This is actually a peaceful looking place. What kind of people live here?" I was about to answer her when another voice is heard. "Y/n you're back! Are you staying permanently or..."? It was Emma Swan or as most people know her, the Saviour.

"Oh, hi Emma. Err, hopefully not permanently. Just until everything settles down with the Avengers." "Oh yeah I heard about that. I don't think Regina is happy about it though. Anyway, who's your friend?" "This is my err... girlfriend Wanda Maximoff." I say scratching the back of my neck. Emma doesn't say anything but I can tell they are both trying to get a read on each other. "Okay. You kids have fun. Regina is at home." "Actually, if there's enough room, we were hoping to stay with you guys. At least until she calms down because you know what she's like when she gets angry." I say with a nervous laugh. If there is one person who scares me more than the Black Widow, it is my mother. "Sure, Snow is in there with Neal and David." I thank her and me and Wanda make our way to their apartment.

I knock on the door hesitantly. "Seriously y/n, who are these people?" Wanda asks. I was about to tell her and Snow answers or should I say, Mary Margaret. "Y/n hi!" Snow greets happily and hugs me. I don't why it surprises me every time, it shouldn't. Then she says, "Emma said something about you and another girl staying with us till Regina's calmed down?" She looks over at Wanda. If there's one thing you should know, no one here knows I prefer girls to guys. No point trying to hide it now though. "Yeah, this is Wanda... my girlfriend." "Girlfriend? Why didn't you say so? Come on in both of you." And we both enter their apartment.

I noticed Wanda seems more quiet than usual. Maybe it would help if I can actually tell her who these people are. "You say you want to know who everyone here is? Well, we are some form of fairy tale characters." A smirk appears on her face. "Fairy tale character?" Of course, she doesn't believe me. "Okay, so who are they?" She asks in a hushed tone pointing and David and Mary Margaret. "Snow White and Prince Charming." She bursts out laughing now catching their attention. Though she quickly shuts up when she notices all of us staring at her. "Wait you're serious? You're all fairy tale characters? They exist as well as superheroes?" "Yes Wanda, we do." 

Ending this one here. I may write a part2 where you both explain to Snow White aka Mary Margaret about the CA:CW events. When she learns Wanda blames herself for Lagos, she gives one of her speeches of hope to Wanda. Anyways, let me know what you thought of this one coz I am not sure to be honest. Requests are OPEN and don't forget to VOTE! :)

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