I Can Show You What You Truly Fear #1

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You ask your girlfriend, Wanda to help you get over your fear of spiders, but not in the way she expects. Does she go through with it? Read to find out more. 

Your POV: 

I am currently sat on the couch in the Avengers compound next to my girlfriend aka Wanda Maximoff. I've been debating whether or not to ask her to help me get over my fear of spiders. Then, I remembered she can read minds so, she may already know I have thought this. "Hey Wand." I said. "Hmm?" She responds. "You can show people what they truly fear, right?" I ask hesitantly. "Where's this coming from y/n?" She asked me. "Well, I've been thinking... I want to get over my fear of spiders and was hoping you can help me with this." She raised her eyebrow in question. 

Wanda POV: 

As soon as y/n mentioned wanting to help her get over her fear, I was hoping she didn't mean what I thought she meant. "I'm not sure I like where this is going." I told her with my arms folded. "I was hoping, you could make my fear a reality, like you did with the Avengers when you first met them?" My eyes widened at her bizarre request. "Absolutely not! I will not use my power to make you afraid. And why would anyone in the right mind ask me to do that? Not only that, my power does not work that way." I raised my voice slightly. "Could you at least try? I won't be angry if I can't get over the fear." 

I sighed at her comment. "That's exactly why I don't want to put you through it, in case you can't get over your fear." She began to pout at me causing me to roll my eyes. "Okay fine. But don't blame me if it doesn't work. Remember, you asked for this. Literally." I told her firmly and waved my hand at the side of her head and watched swirls of red magic enter her brain. 

Your POV: 

After seeing swirls of Wanda's red magic float around me, I knew my reality had been altered. For, in front of me was an army of spiders. Some small and some large enough to swallow me whole without even needing to chew. I grimaced at how disgusting they are. Then, all of a sudden, a humongous one appeared in front of me as if by magic. It growled at me with it's red glowing eyes, ready to eat me. I was frozen where I stood. 

The spider began to choke which confused me at first. Then, it spat out something. More importantly, someone. "Wanda?" I said with wide eyes in realisation. It had eaten her and spat her back out to taunt me. I ran over to her and a feeling swept over me. My eyes became cold and stared at the glowing-eyed spider. "You ate her!" Anger is what swept over me. I reached out my hand and yelled, "I AM NOT AFRAID!" I walked with my hand still out towards the creature and touched it. Suddenly, it began to evaporate into thin air, as did the other spiders. As soon as they were gone, my mind went in a haze and I was sitting next to Wanda once again. 

Wanda POV: 

She has been under the influence for at least an hour now and I am really concerned about her. This ability never lasts this long on anyone. Just as I thought she was trapped in her own mind, her eyes blinked several times and she looked around the room before at me. "Did it work?" I asked her. It took her a moment to answer. She smiled and me and said, "Yeah, it did." I raised my eyebrow a second time at her. "Alright, lets test it." I told her and reached for my phone. I showed her a picture of a spider as that is usually enough to send her running into the other room. 

She looked down at my phone and simply shrugged her shoulders. "Wow, you didn't even run away this time. I guess it really did work." She nodded her head in agreement. I leaned towards her and pressed her lips against mine. "At least my powers can do something good for once." I told her with a smile. "What are you talking about, your powers are awesome." She replied. "Thank you y/n."I said and kissed her a second time and I rested my head against her shoulder. 

Ending this one here. This is my first Wanda Maximoff one shot! So, let me know what you guys thought and don' forget to vote! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!:)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now