Wanda's Nightmare #46

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Wanda, your girlfriend has had a nightmare but when she wakes up, she thinks you're dead and that your just a hallucination that she created with her powers. You do everything you can to convince her you're not dead or a hallucination. 

REQUESTED BY babapuki08 (Hope you like this one. I'm not sure about it as it's not usually something I would normally do.)

A/N - Any other requests are in the works, I'm just not doing them right away necessarily or in any specific order. But rest assure any other pending requests will hopefully be done in the next few days. May just take a while as I am working tomorrow morning and Sunday morning. 

I woke at the feel of someone kicking me in my bed. It was Wanda. That could only mean one thing. She's having another nightmare. I checked the time on my phone which read 4.30am. Better wake her before it gets bad enough that her powers start kicking in which has happened before. So, I shake her shoulders gently until she stirs. Only it wasn't a stir as such, more like jolting awake. Meaning she sat upright in panic as though the worst of the worst has just happened to her.

Gently, I place my hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her but it's like she doesn't even notice. In fact, what she says next is rather alarming to me. "She's dead. She's dead and it's all my fault. She's just a hallucination." I raise my eyebrow and hesitantly ask, "Whose... a hallucination?" "Isn't it obvious? It's you. I watched you die and did nothing about it." I sighed realising what was going on.

"Wanda. Look at me." Slowly but shortly, she turns her head towards me. Her face is covered in tears. "I'm real okay. I'm not something you created with your powers from your imagination." I tell her but I don't think I'm doing a great job at convincing her. "How do I know you're real?" "Well, for starters, I had to wake you from a nightmare. Secondly, ask me something that only I would know. I'm fairly certain a hallucination me wouldn't know something from the real me. If that makes sense. Or better yet, listen to my thoughts."

That really got her attention. Whenever she'd get suspicious of me, she'd never invade my mind without permission but then I'd give her permission to do just that or I'd get her to check myself. Like right now, I can tell she is now concentrating which means she is listening to my thoughts. My thoughts which quickly change to the first time we met, the most intimate moments we've shared, anything and everything. A hallucination me wouldn't know any of this or if they do, it would be the same as the real me.

A few minutes passed and she seemed to calm down. I used my own powers to conjure up a box of tissues. Like hell am I getting out of bed now when I can do that instead. But anyway, I hold the box letting her take as many tissues as she needs. Eventually, she takes the last one and blows her nose hard. I then use my powers to make the box with no more tissues in disappear as well as all the used tissues. Once they've vanished, she cuddles into me.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask her. She sighs. "No. I'm just scared that something bad is going to happen to you or that you'll leave." "Well, for one thing, I am very much alive and intend to keep it that way. And for another, I am not leaving you any time soon. You've got me... hopefully for the rest of your life." She smiles at this and leans up and kisses me on the lips which I happily return.

I check the time on my phone again, roughly 4.50am. "Okay, let's get back to sleep because lord knows Natasha is going to wake me up at half six for training and I need as much sleep as I can get." Wanda laughs slightly. "Yes because a tired y/n is a cranky y/n." "Hmph, that's not true." I said folding my arms in a huff. She laughs again and kisses me again but on the cheek this time. I then lie down on my side facing her and she does the same as we both cuddle into each other. Needless to say, we were both asleep again pretty quickly. 

Ending this one here. Sorry it's shorter than most of them, my brain is dead atm basically haha. I need some form of inspiration for my writing again but I'm just struggling because I am so out of practise. Anyways, let me know what you all thought. REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! Don't forget to VOTE! :)

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