The Black Panther #8

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You are Wanda's daughter and have the ability to talk to animals but she doesn't know that. Wanda doesn't read your mind unless it is absolutely necessary. What happens when she sees you with a black panther coming out of the forest? (A/N - No reference to the movie Black Panther whatsoever. Just felt it was more relevant I guess. And pretend you live in a house near a woods with her, also sorry if this sucks!) 

Wanda POV: 

I had just finished making dinner and called y/n back inside. 'Where is that girl?' I thought to myself. I turned the oven off and went to go and find her. Only what I saw left me speechless. She was talking to a bird. And when I say talking, I mean an actual conversation one would have with another human. "Y/n?" She looked over at me. "Who are you talking to?" I continued. "Just myself mom. Certainly not the bird because that's just crazy." She said with a nervous laugh resulting in me raising my left eyebrow. Okay something is definitely up with her and I'll find out what. 

Time Skip 

Your POV: 

After what felt like an extremely awkward meal, I retreated to my bedroom. I knew my mom knew I wasn't actually talking to myself. But what she doesn't know is I can actually talk to animals and understand what they say. It was Saturday evening which meant I stay out later than usual. This I am grateful because I really wanted to see my best friend who I only get to see on weekends, because they are an animal. I made my way downstairs and told my mom I was headed out into the woods for a while. "Okay, you better come back when I call you." She responded as I headed out of the door. 

Once I got deep into the woods, I called out for my friend. "Bagheera?" Suddenly, a black panther appeared before me. It just stared at me for a few moments before saying, "Hello y/n it's been a while." I nodded. "It has but I've been busy with school and such." "Very well, I have something to show you." He said and lay down. This was his was of motioning for me to get on his back. It usually meant it was quite far away but luckily he was quite fast and covered a lot of ground in a short time. 

Bagheera POV: 

As soon as y/n was on my back, I ran deeper into the woods. When we arrived at our destination, I let her dismount. "Where are we?" She asked. "We are at my home." I told her and lay down. She looked around in awe. She looked between the river and the rest of the forest and the sun setting was a perfect setting. "You live here?" I nodded my head. Then, I heard a vibrating sound. "What's that noise?" I asked. She reached in her pocket and took something out of it. "My mom is calling me. Can you take me back? If I make my own way back I'll take forever and she'll get worried." She told me. I got up and stretched and let her get on my back and made my way to her home. 


Wanda POV: 

Y/n had been gone a while so I tried calling her. She didn't answer but at least she sent me a text saying she was on her way back. So I waited. After I while, I began to get worried. She told me she was on her way back 25 minutes ago. She never takes this long. I went outside only to see yet another thing to make me speechless and a little scared. Y/n dismounted a black freaking panther and stroked it's head. It then looked at me and I was about to get my powers at the ready. Y/n must have known because she told me not to do that. 

Your POV: 

After I'd stroked Bagheera, I turned around and saw my mom. Crap. I thought. I'll have to tell her about my ability now. I then had an idea. "Bagheera, can I trust you and introduce you to my mom so she can stop worrying?" I asked him quietly. "Of course." He told me. I walked over to my mom. I noticed she was about to use her magic to scare him off. "I wouldn't do that mom. He won't hurt you. Come on, I can prove it." I said and dragged her towards him. She was still on edge which was understandable. "Bagheera. You know what to do." I told him. 

Wanda POV: 

To say I was terrified at being so close to a big cat such as this would have been an understatement. Maybe I should have read her mind to find out how she managed to bond with such a creature. The panther suddenly walked over to me and sat down. This made me feel a little more at ease; knowing he wasn't going to pounce on me and eat me. "Mom reach your hand out to him." I thought y/n was mad when she told me this. "Absolutely not! Why would I do such a thing?" I questioned trying not to be loud. 

Your POV: 

I sighed when my mother refused to do as I asked. So, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards Bagheera. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I promise he won't hurt you." I attempted to reassure her. I looked at Bagheera and nodded. Then he gently placed his head in her hand to show her he was harmless. Just judging by the look on her face, I could tell she had a mixture of feelings about it but at least she seemed calmer around him. "Wow, how did you manage to bond with a creature like him?" She asked. "I'll tell you later." Bagheera suddenly stretched and said, "I better get going. I have other things to attend to at home." I quickly hugged him and then he ran back into the woods. I turned to my mother who smiled at me and we both went back inside. 

Ending this one here. Phew, that was a long one. Certainly a lot longer than I intended. Also can anyone please think of a better name than Bagheera? I couldn't think of any other ones besides him from Jungle Book. Anyway, let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! REQUESTS ARE OPEN! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora