Reunited #47

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You are searching for Wanda who you think is your birth mother due to your powers. What happens when you meet her? Are  you really her daughter by birth or just hoping for a miracle?

A/N - Had this one in the works for ages but completely forgot about it. Also if you can think of a better name for this let me know.

For years now I have been trying to find out who my birth mother is and not only that, if I find her, maybe I can find out why I have magic, strong magic at that. After getting some information of her whereabouts is making me even more curious. I was told by an anonymous source that she is an Avenger living in the Avengers tower. Annoyingly, for whatever reason they refused to give any names. They didn't even say why they refused which gives me more of a reason to find out who she is and why she didn't raise me. Though given my power, there is one possible idea as to who she could be but I don't want to get my hopes up. If she is who I think she is, it could also be problematic. Anyways, I have just got inside the building so now it is just a case of asking around for her.

I know a few of the Avengers which I why I am able to be inside without anyone questioning me. Well Stark tried to question me until Captain America himself told him I was with him. Whatever the case, I was just glad he defended me. Of course, that resulted in him asking why I am here in the first place. "I'm here Cap because I was informed my birth mother is in this tower and I mean to find her." He seems deep in thought as I tell him this. "Who do you think she is?" He eventually asks. "Well, given my magic powers being similar to one of the Avengers, I think you can guess." He nods his head at my response. "Alright then, she's either in the training room, living area or her own room." I nod at him and make my way to the living area first since that's closest.

When I arrive at the living area, the only ones in there are Thor and Vision. Thor is playing video games so it is just a quick greeting. He is one of the other ones I know. I've never met Vision so I explain to him my situation. "Oh, this sounds serious. I'll get her at once." The synthesoid says and leaves the room. "Y/n, fancy playing a few rounds of this video game?" I shrug and say, "Why not. It'll pass the time." I sit down next to him and pick up the game controller. Another one of my powers is reading minds so I manage to beat him and Thor has no idea of this ability which is hilarious.

After a few games, Vision comes back with the woman I have been searching for. Wanda Maximoff if you haven't already guessed. She doesn't look particularly happy. In fact, she looks rather pissed off that her schedule has been interrupted. I hope she is the one I am looking for. She raises her eyebrow at me which makes me remember that like me she can read minds. Before I know it, a telepathic conversation begins between us.

"Who are you and why have you been looking for me?" She speaks. "I'm y/n and it's gonna sound crazy but I think you're my mother." She laughs but not telepathically, for real. Then she begins speaking telepathically again. "It is crazy because I watched my daughter die at six years of age because of Hydra's experiments. Even after I tried to force them not to experiment on her they went ahead anyway." "Alright then... how about you look into my mind and look into my past? You can do that right?" Silence. She seems hesitant. "Listen, if you look into my mind and I am wrong, you'll never have to see me again but if I am right, I'm sure you know what that means." I continue saying telepathically.

That must have persuaded her because next thing I know I can feel another presence in my mind. The presence is searching so I can only assume it is Wanda. Roughly a minute later, the presence leaves and a loud gasp comes from her. "It is you... but I don't understand... I watched you die." She says for real. "Do you want to find out?" I answer her. Then the presence is back. Only this time I am seeing for myself what she is searching for. It's like a swarm of flashbacks which suddenly stops at the point where Hydra thinks I am dead but really, I was just faking to escape. It worked anyway because I did escape.

"Very clever." Wanda says. "How did you know faking your own death would work?" She questions. "I didn't. It just so happened luck was on my side." I tell her. Suddenly a smile appears on her face and she wraps me in a bone crushing hug and I struggle to breathe as a result. When she breaks the hug, she says, "We have lots to catch up on. Come on." And with the flick of her wrist, she teleported us both to what I assume is her room and we both begin talking about well... everything. 

Ending this one here. What did you think? Let me know in the comments. Don't forget, you can request either in the comments or private messages if you want to be anonymous. Just might be a bit slow updating but will get them done. Anyways, don't forget to VOTE! :)

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now