Pranks For Nothing Part2 #7

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Natasha Romanoff finds you and Wanda after you both pranked her. Will she let you off or will you both have to watch your backs? Read part1 to understand this one! 

Your POV: 

As soon as Nat caught me and Wanda, we knew we were in big trouble. "Well, well, look who I found." Me and Wanda looked nervously at each other. I gulped, terrified at what she had in store for us. "Alright, I'll let you go this one time. But if you think of pranking me again, you better watch your backs." She said threateningly and walked swiftly away. "Wanda, did you by any chance get a read on her? You know to find out if she really is letting us off?" I asked. "Y/n I told you, it's wrong to read someone's mind without permission." She told me. "Perfect. In that case I'm calling it; she has this whole place boobie trapped!" I said pointing finger upwards. 

Wanda POV: 

I'm beginning to think that maybe pranking Natasha was the worst idea we've ever had. I was telling the truth when I told y/n I didn't read her mind, so I have no idea if she has set traps for us all over the tower. "Tony's lab." Y/n said suddenly. "What about Tony's lab?" I asked. "That is the one place she wouldn't dare place pranks around." I shook my head. "Not unless she managed to get Tony on her side and help her prank us." Her eyes widen. "Now why didn't I think of that?" She grumbled. I laughed at her remark. "Come on. We should be safe in our room." I told her and linked her arm with mine. There's no way she could have laid traps for us that quick. 

Short Time Skip

Your POV: 

We were almost on our floor level when we got off the elevator. That was when it began. Plastic cups filled with what looked like glue was placed everywhere you walked. Me and Wanda looked at each other. "Nat has struck." I told her. "Piece of cake. She must have forgot I have telekinesis." She said and used her powers to move them to the side. Wanda goes to walk away from the elevator when I grab her arm. "Don't you think that is too easy. I mean come on it's Natasha Romanoff. She's skilled in like everything. This is child's play to her." "Well maybe this just wasn't a very good prank." She told me. 

Wanda POV: 

After telling y/n it was just a lame prank of Natasha's, I took one step off the elevator. Only when I did, I thought I felt the floor go down slightly. I gulped and looked down to see where my foot was, was indeed a trap. I looked to y/n who seemed terrified then back in front of me. Suddenly, the cups of glue came flying right towards us and splattered all over us. "Okay, so there was a part2 to her prank. The cups must have some sort of wire or something inside of them to make them do that." I said. "I'm scared to leave the elevator." Y/n said and gripped onto my arm. I rolled my eyes at her. "If we make a run for it to our room, we should be fine. That has to be the only one she has set. Right?" I said and we both made a run for it. 

Your POV: 

Once we got to our room, what we saw we did not expect! Our room was completely covered with balloons. You couldn't move around without popping them and I hate the sound of balloons popping. Everyone knows that. "Ahh the classic balloon trick." Wanda said. "Yeah, she did that because I don't like the sound of them popping, remember?" I told her. "Oh yeah, and I can't use my powers because I might destroy everything in the room. Crap. Well played Romanoff. Well played." She said. "Can't we just find her and say we surrender?" "We only pulled one prank. It's not like we're in a prank war." I folded my arms, "If we weren't in a prank war, she wouldn't have pulled this many so far. Granted it was only two but still. We can't even get into our bathroom to get this glue off us!" I told her. "Alright! Alright! We'll find her and apologise. Okay?" She said. I nodded. Now just to find her. I know for a fact she has them set up everywhere now. Question is, where are they? "Come on, hopefully we can get to Natasha and still live." Wanda said and we made our wat to find her. 


Natasha POV: 

I sat in Bruce's lab reading a magazine when I heard them. "Natasha!" "Romanoff!" The other voice said. Bruce looked up to me confused but I simply smirked knowingly. Before I knew it, both y/n and Wanda were in front of me. I laughed when I saw the state of them. "Why are you covered in glue?" I said trying to act innocent even though I know that failed. "Can it Romanoff! Disable all your traps now!" Y/n yelled. I couldn't help but laugh even more. "Traps?" Bruce asked then looked up and also started laughing at them. "Oh traps." He said. "I take it you've learnt your lesson to NEVER prank me then?" I asked trying to put on a serious face. "Alright, it was a dumb idea and will not do it again! Right y/n!" Wanda said looking at her. "Right, but admit it though Wands, she's be a great addition to our team." Now my curiosity was peaked. "I might just take you up on that offer. Only if the next person we prank is Rogers." I told them. "I have so many ideas for him." I continued. They both looked at each other and nodded. "By the way, those balloons better be gone or else you won't be on our team." Y/n said and they both walked out. I smirked to myself and went back to reading my magazine after I pressed the button to disable all my pranks. 

Ending this one here. It was much longer than intended. But still loved writing it. I couldn't stop laughing at this one. I may even do a part3 where Nat joins you both and you all prank Steve Rogers aka Captain America! Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! REQUESTS STILL OPEN! :)

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