Not The Head Tilt! #27

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Clint Barton has told you before about Wanda Maximoff (your mother)'s famous head tilt when she gets angry with someone and uses her powers to beat them. She finds out you've put off two weeks worth of school work and you freak out when she tilts her head when you refuse to hand your electronic devices to her.

Ugh, two weeks' worth of school work. This is what I get for procrastinating. I just hope my mother does not see how much there is or she'll kill me or do something worse, she'd probably take all my electronic devices and supervise me until all the homework is done. I am very nearly crying at the thought but then I remember she will sense if something is up with her powers. Damn it, I should probably knuckle down before she comes into the room. I'm surprised the school hasn't got in touch with her yet. "Y/n, get down here!" I hear her call from what sounds like the kitchen. Maybe I spoke too soon with that one.

I go down slowly having the distinct feeling I am in trouble. Her motionless face before she gets annoyed confirms it. "I just got a call from your school. Why haven't you been doing your work?" I scratch my head nervously and try to come up with a perfect cover. Stupid brain cannot even do that at the minute. "I, err, err, don't understand what it is I have to do." Yeah, that should do it, I hope. "You're a natural A+ student and you have Tony or Steve or anyone else in the compound to help you if necessary." Damn it, she didn't buy it. She then raises her eyebrow at me. "I think you're forgetting I can read your mind and I know your lying to me." Crap.

For a moment she seems deep in thought as though she is trying to figure something out. "Alright, until all the missing work is completed and handed in, I am taking your phone, tablet, and laptop and the only time you can use your laptop is to do work which you will do under supervision to make sure it gets done." Damn it, the worst thing I imagined she could do, she did! "Go grab them and bring them to me, now." She continues. She can't be serious. "And what if I don't?" I say to her. She does not say anything which puts me a little on edge. Then she does the one thing I have heard the others say so many times. "Not the head tilt!" I yelled now scared and run up to my room to grab the devices.

When I come back down, she has a confused look on her face. "What did you mean by 'not the head tilt'?" I'm guessing she hasn't noticed what the others seem to have noticed. "Y/n? What have the others noticed that I have not?" Crap, she's reading my mind again, I need to just shut up. "Y/n. Answer me. Now." She tilts her head again making me extremely on edge. "Fine, you do that when you get angry with someone and use your powers to beat the crap out of them. This is what everyone else has said." Her eyes widen slightly.

As if on cue, Clint aka Hawkeye, enters the kitchen and my mother questions him about it. "Oh yeah you do tilt your head before you beat someone's ass. You did that when we fought Tony and those that sided with him at the airport when you fired shots at Nat. Then you did it again when you almost killed Thanos." This seems to shock her but that didn't last long. She looks back at me and says, "Look even if that is true which I still don't believe you Clint, y/n, I'd never hurt you, you must know that, right?" I guess so. Maybe I did overreact. She's still clearly reading my mind because she nods and hugs me. "I'm still taking your electronics until all your school work is done." Damn it. Oh well, the sooner it gets done the sooner I can get them back I suppose. 

Ending this one here. I saw a meme about Wanda's head tilts everytime she defeated an enemy and it gave me this idea haha. Anyways, let me know what you thought. Requests are still open, I should probably mention, please don't request song fics, I cannot stand those. Anyways, other than that, feel free to request! Don't forget to VOTE!!! :D

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now