Visiting Storybrooke Part2 #35

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Wanda still blames herself for Lagos but Snow convinces her otherwise. Eventually she meets everyone at Grannies Diner. Henry knows who she is without you having to introduce her. He even shows her the Scarlet Witch comics. Will like the idea of having an alias or not? Note, she also meets your mother, Regina Mills aka former Evil Queen. (Please read Visiting Storybrooke Part1 to understand this!)

A/N - This is the sequel to Visiting Storybrooke (the MCU/Once Upon A Time crossover) so if you have not seen that show, may not make sense. Also when Emma says Neal is in the apartment with Snow/David, I mean baby Neal, not the Neal we all loved. 

Eventually Wanda realises I am telling the truth about fairy tale characters being real as well as superheroes. Though what she says next does and doesn't surprise me. "So, there are heroes and villains in both worlds? Well, I am sure everyone knows which I am either way." I do wish she hadn't said that. "Look, you can't blame yourself for Lagos. I don't and the Captain himself says he doesn't blame you. You were just trying to complete a mission that just went sideways. It happens to everyone."

Not realising Snow and David are still there, I jump a little when Snow speaks. "She's right. We saw what happened on the news and just as she said, every hero has their darkest moments." Me and Wanda are both listening intently to Snow/Mary Margaret. I know what's about to happen when she talks like this. "But what really makes a hero, is how they deal with those dark moments and overcome them. This leads to the most important thing anyone can believe in. Hope. And hope can lead to the most powerful thing of all. The belief of a happy ending."

She then leaves to give Wanda a chance to take in her words. "We're heading to Granny's Diner. You can both meet us there. I'm sure Regina would want you to" David is the last one out of the building and so he closes the door behind him.

When they left, I turn my attention to Wanda who I can tell is still in deep thought. "Maybe she's right." She begins. "Every hero has had their darkest moments. I mean when I first controlled the Avengers with my powers to show them what they feared the most, there was some pretty dark stuff there. I know Natasha's was a bad memory than a vision like what Tony's was. Maybe this is my darkest moment." "You know I have some anger issues I have to work out but I never told you the reason for them." I chime in. Hopefully what I am about to say will change her view on her life. "My mother. I never told you who she was here." "What do you mean by was? Is she an actual villain or something?" "She was a villain. She's trying to change though. But I get my anger partly from her. When I shoot fireballs from the palm of my hands, they represent my anger. Or at least, that's how I view them." "Who exactly is your mother y/n?" "Regina Mills otherwise known as the Evil Queen but she's trying to escape that title as I said."

Wanda is in deep thought once again. Though her facial expressions change eventually and a smile appears on her face and she says, "Well, if someone who claims to be the Evil Queen is trying to escape such a villainous name can reform, maybe I can too." "But Lagos was an accident. You have to know that. There's no need to reform because you're not a monster and you're definitely not a villain." I half expect her to deny my comment but what she says next surprises me, in a good way. "Okay, I believe you." I have to assume it was Snow's speech that got to her. She tends to do that from time to time. Wanda then hugs me from the side and kisses me gently on the cheek. "Shall we head to Granny's Diner? Everyone will be there including my mother." She nods and we both leave the apartment and I use the keys Snow left to lock up.

When we get there, I was right about everyone being here. Snow, David, Emma, Belle, Gold even, Henry, Red (Ruby) and in the corner on one of the booths was Robin Hood sat opposite my mother chatting away. As we walk through the crowd of people who most of which stop us to talk to me and are curious about Wanda, we eventually reach the table which they sit. "Y/n! You actually did as I said for once and came back." Is the first thing my mother says as she moves over to allow me to sit down. Robin suddenly chimes in. "Who's your friend y/n?" He moves over to allow Wanda to sit next to him. Might as well be honest, even if it does mean coming out to her. Wouldn't surprise me if Emma or Snow and David told her, so either way no point in hiding. "Erm, this is Wanda Maximoff... my girlfriend."

Silence followed, then Robin says, "Oh, you're the one that reads minds and can control people, aren't you? What other powers do you have?" Wanda looks over at me and I nod at her indicating it was okay for her to tell them. "Erm, yes I am and I have chaos magic, telekinesis, energy blasts and levitation." "Whoa that's awesome! An Avenger in Storybrooke!" The new voice belonged to Henry. He's a comic book fan so I wonder if he's figured out which one she is.

"Hey Henry, this is..." "Wanda Maximoff the Scarlet Witch!" He says cutting me off. "Scarlet Witch?" Wanda seems confused. I forget she's never read comics before. "Scarlet Witch, that's your superhero alias. Every superhero has one to cover their civilian identity." Henry tells her. "And you say mine is the Scarlet Witch?" She questions him slightly confused. To answer her question, Henry pulls out a comic book about her and she flips through it. "They even gave you a superhero costume in the comics." He continues to tell Wanda.

After flipping through the comic, Wanda looks at me and sends a telepathic message. "What do you make of all this y/n?" I send her a telepathic message back. "I think you should use your powers to become the Scarlet Witch, it would be so awesome!" Then Wanda says out loud, "Scarlet Witch, I like it." With the snap of her fingers, she is wearing the comic book version of herself. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how the Scarlet Witch came to be. 

Ending this one here. It was much longer than I expected it to be, just over 1000 words! Anyways, let me know what you thought. I may do a part3 if people want Regina to give Wanda the talk. I feel like she'd threaten to rip out Wanda's heart literally if she hurts reader *cries laughing*! Btw whose seen episode 8 of WandaVision! OMG I almost cried! I've never felt so bad for any movie character like that! Marvel outdo themselves every episode! Anyways, requests still OPEN AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! :D

Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader One Shots *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora