49. Back In The City

Start from the beginning

"Of course not!" You threw your hands up in the air in frustration.

Wait, he had stressed on this 'your'... "Did you find any other? Maybe a trace to the cult?" You asked him.

"His is information I can't give you." He replied with a sigh.

That is a yes. "What about the special force? Am I able to join them? I want to help to capture them!"

He sighed again. "No. You maybe are not one of the primer suspects but you are still under our watch."

You wanted to jump up from your chair, yell at him what he thought he was doing but this would probably only worsen your situation.

But you had learned something in the time you had spent in the dojo. So you clenched together your teeth to not say something imprudent and balled your hands into fists. Emotional outbursts could trigger it. And you did not want that to happen. Especially not in a police station in the middle of the city.

Calm down. It won't help... You told yourself.

The officer seemed to notice your reaction. "Look, there are many other things you can do as a hero to help us but not in this case. We could use a few helping hands in the cases of the missing children or maybe the robberies of the banks?" He suggested.

You did not reply anything, just starred at the white table in front of you.

"You can leave now if you want but we recommend you to not leave the city unless you want to make yourself more suspicious." With these words he opened the door again and gestured you to go out.

You stood up and left without another word or glare at the officer. One more look in his eyes and you were sure you would demolish something in this police station.

You went out onto the street, took out a cigarette from its box and put it in between your lips. You grabbed inside one of your pockets. Nothing.

Then into the other pocket. Also empty.

"Where to hell did I put this damn..." You muttered to yourself as you tapped down your jacket, searching for the lighter you had bought just a few hours ago on the train station together with the tabaco when you had arrived.

Of course you could use your quirk but the truth was, you did not want to use it in critical emotional states but you really needed this nicotine now. You hoped it would somehow help...

"Need that?" A woman asked as the small zipping sound of a black lighter was heard.

You looked up and stared directly into the face of... The 'I'm single, you are single. I'm hot, you are...'-girl?!

Honestly this day could not get any better, could it?

She smiled at you, not one of the fake ones she had given you when you had met her the first time when she had flirted with a certain psycho bird chicken nugget man, but a real one. Wearing a perfectly fitting light lavender business costume she also looked older than the first time, more... Mature...?

She leaned forwards to enflame the tip of your cigarette that still was between your lips.

You sucked in the smoke and blew it out again. "T-Thank you, ahhh...?" You lifted your eyebrow in questioning manner.

She enlightened a cigarette for herself and blew out the smoke as well before answering your indirect question. "Sarah, Sarah Steel. Nice to meet you."

She held out her perfect manicured hand to shake yours.

"Nice to meet you, too." I guess... You replied as you shook her hand.

"You are American?" You asked her as you took another puff.

"Yeah, my father is." The brunette smiled.

She was definitely the girl from back then but she seemed somehow... different? Friendlier?

"I'm sorry Miss Steel but did we meet somewhere before?" You asked as you turned to her again.

She chuckled slightly. "No, I don't think so." She blew out another cloud of smoke.

You hummed in response behind your cigarette.

No, she has to be that chick but why does she deny it?

She threw the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it with her high heel, then pulled out a small card.

"Hey, if you like, call me. Maybe we could have... A little fun together?" With that she tucked the card in your pocket and winked at you.

You starred at her perplexed as she turned to the entrance of the police station again and went inside under the clattering of her shoes on the asphalt.

You threw the rest of the cigarette to the ground as well then pulled out the card she had given you.

It was black. A date and a time had been scribbled down with a greyish silver pen. You turned the card around.

It was a business card of a night club called 'Matrix'.


Okiii dokiiii^^

Another chapter is out^^

Sarah Steel... aka. The "I'm hot, you are..." girl?


We got new fanart from dear and lovely SugaryStars_!!!!

You definitely have to check it out and share all your love!!! It's amazing!!!

You can see it in SugaryStars_s art book and in my picture collection in the 11. chapter^^

I really love all your fanart you guys make!!! It makes me super happy and encourages me again and again to keep going and improve my writing to give you guys a nice story!!^^

Next chapter (or maybe the next few???^^) will be a little special he he^^

I hope you liked this one and are exited for the next one^^ (cause I sure as hell am😌)

Until then my beauties^^ 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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