19. Training With A Certain Chicken Nugget

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"Okay, Miss (Y/ln). I'm going to explain your schedule now." Mrs Kento announced.

This was your official first day at HIB and you were really excited about it!

When Hawks had left the previous night, you tried to sleep. Well, tried...

All the thoughts and even slight anxiousness about the upcoming day and the things that had happened to you in such a short time held you wide awake.

The number 2 hero of this city was now technically your boss and you had cried your eyes out in front of him?! Soooo embarrassing!

But time could not be turned back and Keigo didn't seem like he would make fun of it.

He actually had been so kind and gentle... It really had surprised you that he had put off his layer of cool cockiness and had displayed another side of his.

Due to his insecure behaviour back then you bet that he hadn't done that very often in his life before.

"Yes, of course, Mrs Kento." You replied.

"The first part of the day you will be training with your new equipment. Your sister told us that you are not used to a few new functions and we don't want an untrained hero in our streets now, do we? The training will take place in the underground floors you may have noticed before. They are especially built to resist any types of quirks so don't worry about destroying anything. You will most likely not be able to do so if even our best can't." She explained with a light smile on her face.

"We use holographs for training hand-to-hand combat or other things like that as well. We also decided to put together a training schedule based on the data your sister gave us yesterday. Please use it and tell us if there are any problems."

You nodded as she continued.

"The second half of your day you will be patrolling with one of our heroes. They will show you our area. We want you to get started with the patrolling so early because we want you to become a full member of our agency as fast as possible. Only if heroes work as a team they can withstand villains or catastrophes and safe lives."

The petite woman then put on her glasses and looked at the files she was carrying in her arms.

"Today you will be patrolling with..."

"Me" A familiar voice ended her sentence.

You turned around to face a certain bird-hero standing casually behind you with his hands in his pockets in the hallway you and Mrs Kento had been walking through. He wore his usual smirk again.

When you saw him the thoughts of last night came back and your face started to heat up out of embarrassment. Nothing else could have been the reason of course...

"Good morning, (Y/n), Monica. I asked Hayate to switch our patrols. (Y/s/n) will probably finish the new visor today and I wanted to try it out immediately."

"Hawks, how many times do I have to tell you that you should tell me immediately if you change shifts? It could become a real problem if one of us needs backup in a patrol and I can't reach any of you to send there?" the secretary rebuked him.

"And how many times do I have to tell you to not call me Monica in the office? We know each other since you got in the program but this here is a professional environment." Mrs Kento fixed her glasses and pulled up her eyebrows in a slight annoyed manner.

"Yeah, yeah, will keep that in mind, Monica." He grinned.

Mis Kento looked at her watch. "Oh, so late already? We have to hurry up if you want to get through your training today and go on your first patrol, Miss (Y/ln). Please come with me, I will show you the training station and you..." She then turned around again in Hawks direction.

Hawks x Hero!Reader [The Things We Hide]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon