27. Bandages And Tea

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"No Mum, I'm alright... Yeah, everything is okay." You chuckled.

You had gone a little aside from the ambulances and heroes that still tried to help the last injured people when you had gotten a call from your family.

"Yeah, yeah Sweetie. We were worried so sick after we watched you on the news! I just had to check on you!" You heard a slight sob on the other end.

"Oh, Mum. Everything is okay. I'm fine, really. That's my job, you know?" You tried to calm her. "I have to go now. I love you. Tell Dad and (Y/s/n) that I love them, too. Okay?"

"We love you, too. Goodbye, Sweetie. Call me, if you need anything."

"I will. Love you, mum." With that you ended the call and smiled at the phone in your hands.

"Family?" Keigo leaned casually on a wall besides you.

You nodded.

"John also called me. He went totally crazy about your quirk." He smirked. "What did they say?" He nodded with his head into the direction of your phone.

"Just were worried a little bit. I guess they will have to get used to seeing me on the news." You chuckled.

"Hm, think so, too. Now that you had your rather... Bombastic debut." A lazy smile appeared on his lips.

"Jealous much? That I stole you the show?" You teased with a smirk on your face.

"Hm, if I also explode into purple light next time, I will steal you the show. Then we should be even again, don't you think?" He gave back now taking a step in your direction.

"Hm... I don't know..." You tipped with your finger on your chin as if you were thinking about it hardly. "I don't think your fans would like to see an exploding chicken." With that you took a step in his direction as well.

"And what about a naked exploding chicken?" His grin widened.

"Maybe..." You chuckled now standing right in front of him.

"But for real now. How are you? I mean your wings got a few major hits there." You gestured to his partly burned feathers.

"Aww... Are you worried about me?"

"Of course I am. Only because you are a high ranked hero that doesn't make you invulnerable." Your upfront answer caught him a little of guard.

"They are okay, really." He answered while rubbing his neck. "Tomorrow they will look like new, trust me." He chuckled but then his gaze got more serious. "And what about you?"

"Oh, I'm fine." You waved off with your hands. "I don't want to stress the first-aid workers any further. A little bit of sleep and a nice bath will truly work miracles." You gave him a thumbs up.

He huffed. "And what about this?" With that he had grabbed the arm the girder had fallen onto. This little touch already caused you to hiss out in pain.

"Don't think I didn't notice." Keigo's voice had gotten serious.

"It's nothing, really." You said between clenched teeth. "Look, there are people who need medical aid more than me. Let's not make more drama than there already is, okay?"

"Oh man..." He sighed. "Come on." With that he dragged you his way.

"You are so stubborn!" Keigo groaned.

"Stubborn is my second name." You replied sarcastically as he opened the door to his apartment.

On the whole way you had searched for arguments why everything was fine and that you didn't need any help.

Hawks x Hero!Reader [The Things We Hide]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum